Newly Diagnosed

  • 4 replies
  • 57 subscribers


So just had it confirmed, I’ve anal cancer, and I’ve been referred to Addenbrooks from Peterborough Hospital. I’ve been told I’ve anail cancer in my rectum, and it’s an unusual case. Feel like my world has come to a stop, obviously I can’t switch my head off, hoping I feel better once I’ve had a PET scan and they’ve decided on a way forward and treatment. Scary times. 

  • Hi there ,

    Firstly I’d like to offer you a warm welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m so sorry that you find yourself here, 

    You’re in the worst possible place right now, newly diagnosed without any plan moving forward, it’s like being left in limbo isn’t it? Once you have more information & a treatment plan in place I’m sure you’ll begin to feel a little better. Anal cancer is still, thankfully quite rare, although unfortunately cases seem to be on the rise, the gold standard treatment in the UK is usually 5 1/2 weeks of radiotherapy Monday to Friday with a short infusion of mitomycin (chemo) day 1 of treatment & oral capecitabine (chemo) each day of radiotherapy.

    We’ve lots of members here that have been diagnosed with anal cancer of all different stages, some are newly diagnosed like yourself, some are in treatment, some in recovery & others a little further down the line like myself, if you click on my username you can read a little about me there. You’ll find lots of support here from others that know exactly what you’re going through so if you have any questions please just ask. 


  • I agree with Nikki - the time between diagnosis and treatment is the worst. I start my treatment in a week's time and I can't wait. I can't tell you how much reading this forum, when I was first diagnosed, has helped me. From being shell-shocked to being part of a group that is there/been there is emotionally priceless. Good luck on your journey. xxx

  • Hello Dino, like Nicola I want to welcome you to the group. I had my treatment at Addenbrookes for anal cancer and it will be a year next month since my treatment finished. I can empathise exactly how you are feeling right now and lots of things are going through your head. I can remember planning my funeral as I thought it was the end. I had never heard of anal cancer and I was so frightened. Coming on here helped me so much. When you get a date of the start of your treatment it becomes easier and the Macmillan team at Addenbrookes are absolutely lovely. My head nurse sat with me at the start and said she was with me all the way. I so wanted to give her a hug and told her but said I wouldn’t  because of covid restrictions. She said she wanted to give me a hug too. When you start your treatment, the symptoms are accumulating and you can find tips on how to help yourself through the journey. I am showing no signs of anal cancer and apart from a reaction from certain foods life is good. Take care

  • Hi Dino, I have exactly the same and I am about to start treatment in Bristol. Do let me know how you get on and maybe we can help each other along on the journey. x