New person here

  • 16 replies
  • 59 subscribers

Hi. I've just been diagnosed with Anal Cancer and will be having treatment at Bristol. Chemo/Radio Therapy. Anyone else having treatment in Bristol, please? I would like to make contact with you.

  • Hi ,

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis. 

    Although I wasn’t treated at Bristol by replying to your post it’ll boost it on the forum feed for others to see & it’ll not get lost amongst the other posts so hopefully if there’s anyone that has received their treatment at Bristol they’ll spot it & reply. 

    Any questions you have please just ask, we’re an open, friendly, respectful group of people here that have all been where you are now & know exactly what you’re going through. 


  • Hi @lady's smock, I just wanted to echo 's welcome. I hope someone who has been treated at Bristol will see your post and reply. Treatment for anal cancer seems to be pretty standard across England so if you don't receive any replies please let us know if you have any questions or other concerns. Bev 

  • Hello - I'm not currently having treatment but I had 28 days of chemoradiotherapy at Bristol (BHOC) as part of a PLATO trial, ACT5 in Sept/Oct 2020. My diagnosis was T4 N1 M0. I'm having 3 monthly follow-up appointments, scans etc. now and there is no evidence of recurrence. I'd be happy to meet up but if what you really want is to meet up with others who are having treatment now then your trial nurse (if you're on a trial) or equivalent may be able to act as a "go-between" if you ask them. Otherwise, as others have already said, just post any questions on this forum as the group is a mine of information! There's also a search wishes, C

  • Hi lady’s smock

    I finished my chemo radiation in October 21 and I’ve just had my 6 month scan. I started first at Bath but got referred to Bristol and that’s where it all began. I’m under the team of consultants there on the 5th floor. I have had a very positive experience and have felt cared for and looked after. The radiotherapy team and aftercare nurses are amazing and so lovely. You’ll sail through it. Like Colly I have found this site most beneficial especially once you check out. Sending best wishes to you.

  • Hi Holibobs! Thank you so much for your positive reply. My main problem is finding somewhere to stay. There doesn't seem to be any accommodation except for cancer patients who are children. I can't possibly do the journey every day from where I live. This must be a source of anxiety for many patients. I think I'm going to have to end up staying in the Premier Inn for the duration. x

  • Hi there ,

    Treatment is usually Monday to Friday with weekends off all treatment, a lady that had treatment at the same hospital as me (NCCC at the Freeman hospital in Newcastle) was from Carlisle & obviously was unable to do this journey on a daily basis so she stayed in a hotel Monday to Friday & went home on weekends. This isn’t ideal & is an unwelcome expense I know, have you approached the hospital regarding accommodation? even if they don’t have anywhere hospital based surely they’ve come up against this issue before & could possibly have some recommendations. If not maybe give the Macmillan helpline a ring they may be able to give you some information on any financial help available for people having to stay away from home whilst receiving cancer treatments. I hope you get sorted soon, it’s an added worry you could do without right now. 


  • Thank you Nicola. I'm going to try and get some answers to all these questions next Tuesday when I see the Oncologist in Bristol. Watch this space! x

  • Hi ladys smock

    I live in Trowbridge and travelled to Bristol everyday. I was lucky to have friends and family who offered to drive me, although for the first few weeks I could have driven myself. On week three I stayed at the Future Inn opposite Cabot Circus from Monday to Friday, which took a lot of pressure off. I was well enough to go shopping and to the cinema etc and treated it like a little holiday with my friend!

    I looked at the Premier Inn (it’s the nearest to the hospital if you’re walking) but you get free parking at the Cabot one. (You can get a free parking ticket at the hospital too if you see the lady at reception.) I found my worst week was week 5 when you have your second lot of chemo and I would have benefitted from staying over then too. Your radiotherapy is literally about 20 mins with some waiting time to drink your water beforehand so it’s about an hour out of the day. 

    If you need anymore info, just give me a shout. Good luck with the consultants. They are all very good. Get your questions ready. It’ll be a lot to take in first of all but don’t worry they’ll give you numbers to call if you need any clarification. The macmillan nurses are based in reception too so you can chat with them if you need to. 

    Best wishes

  • Hello again Holibobs ( love the name!) That is really helpful. I'll check out the Future Inn. Yes, I have decided exactly that-  to pretend I'm on holiday and take things to do and wander round the shops. You have to think of things to make it bearable. I'm not somebody who likes being away from home. I'll let you know how it goes. x