Anal cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 55 subscribers

I’m new to this forum. I was diagnosed in 2017 with stage 1 anal cancer. I have many issues that seems to be long term at this point. Would like to see if anyone else in this forum still has issues after five years due to radiation and chemo. 
thank You,


  • Hi ,

    Firstly welcome to our little corner of the Macmillan online community although like the rest of us I’m sure it’s somewhere you’d rather not have had the need for! 

    I'm around about a year behind you, diagnosed February 2018, I had surgery (local excision) first then chemoradiotherapy as part of the PLATO trial, if you click on my username you can read a little more about me there. We’re a friendly bunch that understand the aftermath of this treatment so there’s people here that will I’m sure will relate. We still have a couple of members that pop back that are post 5 years so hopefully they’ll see your post & jump on. I don’t think any of us return to complete pre-diagnosis normality following this treatment I think we learn to live with the ‘new normal’ for us but sometimes that’s not an easy road to travel. I got away pretty lightly compared to some but still have some minor issues that I’d rather not have! Any questions you have or things you’d like to discuss please just post, we’re an open minded group & nothing is taboo (nature of the beast I suppose!). 


  • Hi @Ernie and welcome to the group.  In August this year it will be 3 years since I finished treatment for stage 2 anal cancer. Ongoing problems that I have are episodes of soreness in the anal canal, mucous (different colours), sometimes a bit of blood on the toilet paper, urgency in going to the toilet in a morning, upset bowels from time to time  and some hip pain and sciatica on/off. All down to the effects of the radiotherapy I believe but all manageable.  I was told at the outset by my Oncologist that my bowels would never return to 'normal'.  As has said it does appear from the posts we see that there are lasting effects from the treatment for most people. All the best, Bev.