Stupid Fear

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I am in 4 week off my treatment and due in Hospital next week for 4 doses off Chemo and then my last 3 days off Radiation. I can't get out off my head it might not work and if it does it will come back. I was TM2/3 with no spread at all I know it's silly. But looked at stats it seems this stage has a 17percent reaccurance. I know I am worrying about it I am sure I will be fine. 

  • Hi Blackpudding it’s horrible sometimes isn’t it when negative thoughts dominate positive thoughts. I occasionally start thinking what if it comes back but now (11 months post treatment) try to switch those destructive thoughts to I am here and I cannot guarantee life just like any other person cancer or otherwise. We can get hit by a car tomorrow and I am sure there are a lot more things. Funny enough I got hit by a car over forty years ago and spent some time in hospital but still here. I think anal cancer treatment is as good as it gets and a good survival outlook. Let’s kick them negative destructive thoughts to the curb and enjoy life while we can. Take care 

  • Oh  thanks just having a low day I it's thought off hospital chemo seems to make my legs go crazy I have Restless Leg syndrome