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  • 59 subscribers

Hi there, I've recently joined this group and loving all the wisdom it has brought. I was diagnosed with anal cancer in Feb and am due to start treatment on Monday (yikes). At this stage I just want to crack on as my family and I came down with covid so everything was delayed a little.

The diagnosis came as a bit of a shock but I've settled into it now. I still have ny wobbles but i guess thats to be expected. We told our 4 year old son at the weekend and he seems to be processing it OK. He is excited about grandma and grandad visiting and keeps giving me cuddles and checking he is being gentle enough. 

Can I ask if anyone had a lot of bleeding prior to treatment? It seems coming on my period and cancer do not mix and its made me constipated and a little sore. I have a catch up with my nurse tomorrow so will mention it then but was just wondering if others experienced similar. 

Anyway, enough of my waffle for now. Would appreciate any hints and tips you have to see me through the otherside.

Cheers x

  • Hi Katbat,

    Welcome to this group and good luck when your treatment starts next week. The time will fly and you will soon be on the other side of this.

    You asked if anybody had bleeding prior to treatment . I certainly did, and that was the main thing that prompted me to go to the GP. It could look like something had been slaughtered in the toilet bowel sometimes, other times just on the toilet paper. 

    There are lots of tips on the posts on here. My top ones would be : Big knickers (M&S do some like cycling shorts ) boxers, or go commando and harem pants. Epsom salts for the bath. Moisturise your bum and groin really well. And get something called a sitz bath, for as you go through treatment as it will be painful as you wee/poo and this really helps. 
    The treatment can be tough, think of it as something to endure to get a good result ( a bit like childbirth ). Don’t be afraid to take painkillers when you need them- but you may not, we are all individual . 
    Hang on to the fact that although anal cancer is rare , this treatment is very effective. I was diagnosed last September , finished treatment in December and last week was given the all clear ( NED , or no evidence of disease) at my last scan. 

    Hope that helps and good luck . You will find loads of support here x

  • Hi,

    Great that your treatment starts soon, it will feel like something positive is actually happening for you. Sorry, can't help with the bleeding question, but I'm sure someone here will chip in as I think it is quite a common thing.

    My main tip would be to use the moisturisers they give you, use them a lot (but not immediately before radiotherapy) because your skin does take a beating and you can minimise the damage. Also, I read on here about a thing called a Happy Po which is a portable bidet - it's a little bigger than an electric toothbrush and you fill it with warm water, then you squeeze it over your bottom whilst sitting on loo and a lovely gentle shower washes your bits and you can just dab with loo paper or a soft towel, but it leaves you nice and clean without having to wipe. I got mine from Amazon for about £15.

    Good luck, let us know how it all goes for you. 

  • I was diagnosed yesterday. I have very heavy bleeding, which stops for a couple of weeks, then starts again.

  • Hi ,

    Welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry you’ve had the need to find us. 

    It’s good to hear your starting your treatment on Monday although I totally understand the trepidation that comes along with the start date, I too wanted to get on with it asap but was terrified also at the same time! Often the thought of what’s to come is far worse than the reality & once through the other side healing is pretty quick. 

    I didn’t have much bleeding myself to be honest but the best bit of advice I can give is try to keep things on the softer side where bowel movements are concerned, ask your Dr for a stool softener such as Movicol or Laxido, this will keep any irritation caused by constipation to a minimum until you start your treatment. 

    I tell everyone that asks for advice going into this treatment moisturise, moisturise, moisturise, something un-perfumed such as a plain aqueous cream just to try & keep your skin in tip-top condition before & throughout treatment. I was told not to use anything directly before a radiotherapy session but carried my cream with me & lathered it on straight after before I dressed ready to travel home. Also I used Epsom salts/Dead Sea salts in the bath & found them really soothing once my skin began to react to the radiotherapy. 

    Please any questions you have just ask, we have a wealth of information between us here. Just click on my username & it’ll take you to my profile & you can read a little more about my journey there. Wishing you the very best of luck for Monday, the time will fly by once you’re in the routine of daily hospital visits. 


  • Thank you, have ordered the happy po! Have had a good prep session with my research nurse today. 

  • Thanks Puddy, I spoke with my nurse today and apparently completely normal.  Wishing you well with your journey. 

  • Hi Katbat, I’ve recently finished my treatment and my little boy is 4 this month and like yours he has been very good and gentle with mummy. As everyone has said this treatment is harsh but effective and it’s good to keep that in mind. There are so many tips on this site and everyone is so lovely and helpful so anything you need to know just ask. It’s a complete rollercoaster especially with little ones so if you want to chat with someone in a similar situation feel free to message me. Becs