Diagnosed today

  • 4 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hello everybody - I'm so glad I found this forum. I was today diagnosed with anal cancer, that is a lump about the size of a 2p piece between my anus and rectum. The consultant said I would be having a PET scan, MRI and a CT scan. He said it is treatable. Trouble is, when the bleeding first started, I was used to having haemorrhoids, so didn't flag it up. It's probably already 6 months or more since it started. 

I had retired to Spain with my husband, Nigel, just over 5 years ago. In 2019 Nigel was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease, and passed away in August 2020. After a year without him I decided to return home and I'm glad I did. The UK healthcare is so much more compassionate than what we experienced in Spain.

Anyway - I'm terrified and so glad you're here (not glad you're ill).

  • Hello, sorry you find yourself here. I was very similar to you, I was told it was hemorrhoids at first. It wasn't until I found a lump in my groin that I was diagnosed. They then found a lump in my vagina followed by one in my anal canal. You will find everyone here is lovely and friendly and no question is to personal. I finished my treatment on Friday and its just a waiting game now. Xx

  • Thanks so much Watto78 - I hope you get good news! x

  • Hi there ,

    Firstly I’d like to offer you a warm welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m so sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. I’m also really sorry to hear of the loss of your husband too. 

    Unfortunately there are many members here that have had suspected haemorrhoids & have gone on to eventually have a diagnosis of anal cancer. As you’ve said in your post the symptoms are very similar so I’m not surprised that you didn’t suspect anything sinister was going on. 

    Everyone here are at all different places in their journeys, some newly diagnosed like yourself, some are in treatment, some freshly out of treatment, some in recovery & others a little further down the road, personally I’m almost 4 years post treatment, cancer free as of my last scans at the beginning of the year & doing well. If you click on my username you can read a little more about me there. 

    Things for me, once I’d had my diagnosis, moved really quickly with lots of appointments, scans etc., & I really didn’t have time to sit & dwell on things, hopefully things will be the same for you. This forum was my saving grace, it was somewhere where I knew I could air my concerns & ask questions & people would help answer my questions & help ease my worries s little. 

    You’re not alone in this, there’s many of us here that will be more than happy to support you through. 


  • Hi just wanted to echo what Nicola and Watto have said, you are not alone on this journey and this site is full of wonderful really helpful people who have all had similar experiences. I finished treatment last Wednesday and like Watto am waiting for the next scan (although trying not to think about it too much). Take care Becs