New diagnosis

  • 6 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hi everyone, I am feeling rather shattered to find myself on the cancer road again. I was diagnosed with kidney cancer back in 2019 and had a radical nephrectomy which involved the removal of my left kidney. I had just past the two year anniversary of my operation in January and then last week I was diagnosed with anal cancer which initially they thought was rectal cancer and had me planned in for surgery and a stoma until they discovered in was in fact anal cancer. I do honestly feel in shock. I saw the oncologist last Friday and have been told that my treatment will involve chemoradiotherapy over 5.5 weeks. I am waiting for the date of a PET scan and am finding the waiting very difficult in deed. I think I had more resiliance last time, I don't feel as strong this time round. It would be nice to have some advice about how to cope with the treatment.

  • Hi there ,

    Firstly welcome to our little corner of the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry that you find yourself here especially considering what you’ve already been through. 

    As you already know the waiting is such a difficult time & I appreciate what you say about not feeling as strong this time around, you must feel as though you’ve had the stuffing knocked right out of you. 

    Many have said here & it was definitely the case for me, the thought of the chemoradiotherapy is worse than the reality. My treatment consisted of a short mitomycin infusion on day 1 of radiotherapy & capecitabine tablets twice a day each day of radiotherapy. The main 2 side effects of this treatment are the skin reaction & possible bowel disturbances. Both of these if they occur will be managed between your radiotherapy team & oncology team with creams & medication. Once you start your treatment it really does fly by, once you get into the routine of your daily treatment schedule you’ll be surprised how quickly this 5 weeks go. Top tip from me would be to moisturise the heck out of the whole area down there, front & back. I moisturised before treatment started then once in treatment I moisturised straight after my radiotherapy session, after showering & after each time I went to the loo although I was advised not to put any creams on prior to radiotherapy. I took Epsom salt baths when my skin began reacting & found that very soothing. I don’t want to bombard you with too much information right now but if you have any questions at all please just ask nothing is taboo here. 

    There are many of us here that are testament that this treatment is very effective & we’re here for support whenever you need us.


  • Hello SunflowerLou,

    Welcome to the group. I have found everyone to be really supportive and helpful and I'm sure you will too. It is horrible for you to have cancer again, but it sounds like you have recovered well from your kidney surgery.

    The treatment for anal cancer is, as you've been told, quite short but is very effective which is something positive to think about. Lots of the people here were treated some time ago and have recovered well with no evidence of any cancer. Yes, waiting is difficult; once you know what the plan is you just want them to get on with it. Try to think of it as already having started in a preliminary way - read the advice and help on this forum, buy the things you think might help you, spoil yourself with some treats and make sure you eat well and stay hydrated, like training and preparing your body, (like an elite athlete preparing for an event!) I found doing this gave me something to focus on, and was a way of feeling I had some control. You will probably find you feel a lot more positive once the treatment gets started and you feel things are progressing. 

    All the best, and let us know how it goes.

  • Hey SunflowerLou.  

    i am so sorry that you find yourself in this group and that you are starting another journey so soon after your last.  Can’t imagine how hard that news was to receive.   The positive thing with this cancer is that although the treatment is a a little tough going it has excellent results and a good outcome.  

    Please don’t feel overwhelmed by it all, my advice would be to take each day as it comes, tick it off one day at a time, my best tricks for getting through were Sitz baths towards the end of radiotherapy they really help and were a god send & it’s ok not to be ok, I suffered with anxiety and tried to be brave but don’t, I saw my GP and got some diazepam to relax me when it all got to much.    

    this group got me through so much, everyone will have a tip or a word of support to use it as much as you need.  Sending lots of love xxxxxxx  

  • Thanks Nikki65, it's lovely not to feel alone and your comments are most helpful and appreciated.

  • Thank you Mrs Vanilla, very helpful advice.

  • Thanks Matilda24, I have good and bad days as I am sure is normal but it's great to find a group that are so supportive.