Nee here

  • 18 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hi I’m new here, 

not had a diagnosis yet but having tests , biopsy on Friday with cat scan and mri scan to follow 

trying not to worry but not a good time for me at the moment , Friday is 1 year since we lost my dad Cry my brother has cancer  and is poorly at the moment , had 1 course of treatment and waiting for another to start 

when I went to see surgeon I wasn’t expecting what he told me , had been informed by doctor that my problem was an abscess around my bottom , turns out it might not be 

  • Hi Poohbear,

    No wonder you are anxious, you have a lot on your plate right now, but you have started the process of getting treatment for yourself and once they have diagnosed you properly, they will get going.

    In the meantime, look after yourself and try not to forecast what will happen until you have your scans and tests.

  • Thank you , I’m trying to stay positive, trying not to worry until I know there is something to worry about x

  • Yes, and please bear in mind that even if you do have anal cancer, treatment is very effective as you'll see as you read though this forum. Let us know how you get on.

  • Hi  and welcome to the group. I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad. I have lost my Dad too and it’s so hard. Also, what a worry about your brother and now all this is happening with you, it must be so difficult for you. I found the time before diagnosis extremely difficult and felt calmer once I got my actual diagnosis and treatment plan. As  has said, if you are diagnosed with anal cancer, treatment can be very effective. We have lots of people in this group who are testament to this. The results from my biopsy were back in about 2 weeks, scan results took 1-2 weeks. The waiting for results is awful. Try to keep as busy as possible and post on here for advice and support whenever you need to. I hope Friday goes as well as possible. Bev. 

  • Hi ,

    Welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m sorry that you find yourself here. I’m also really sorry for the loss of your dad & for what your brother is going through right now. 

    Hopefully your biopsy will come back negative for cancer but if unfortunately the biopsy is positive I’ll just echo what has already been said, this is a very treatable type of cancer.  Following my biopsy results were back by day 7, I was then sent for scans etc. I’m almost 4 years post treatment & cancer free to date. I know it’s difficult especially when you’re watching your brother having such a rough time through his treatment etc., but try not to think too far ahead, get to Friday & get you biopsy & scans done & go from there. The waiting is always the hardest part of all this but we’re always here for support should you need us. 


  • Thank you , no dates yet for scans , not sure if they are waiting for biopsy results first x 

  • I agree that they probably will wait for your biopsy results  before putting forward for scans I would think. I’ll be thinking of you on Friday & I’ve got everything crossed for you that you have a negative result. 


  • Hi  I'm in a similar position. I have abcess it's soft in middle and hard round edges. CRS checked my anus but didn't find anything of concern. I have to go for EUA and sigmoidoscopy. Have you had any other symptoms. My abcess is on my bum cheek