Hey not diagnosed but having investigations and scared

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  • 56 subscribers

Hi all

I just wanted to reach out as I'm scared. Over last 5 months I usve had 3 cancer scares which are all benign. This included having cervical colposcopy and lletz and biopsy in November so I have HPV.

3 weeks ago I noticed my bottom was sore after having a poo due to constipation as im on iron  tablets for  heavy periods t felt like a cut. Went to docs and she said I had a haemoroid but knew it was different as I have had a haemorrhoid in past which cleared up using cream.   She gave me a rectal exam and I expressed to her I was worried about anal cancer due to HPV. She was not worried. A week later I started bleeding from my bottom slightly and then a lump came up on my bum cheek which is soft and hard round the edges.  I had this before but wasn't as big and didn't hurt and my doc said it was scar tissue which after 2 weeks disappeared after some pus. I reported this abd Dr wasn't bothered.  I also reported tiny lymph nodes in groin in Jan. But Dr said they were tiny so nothing to worry about. Due to the cancsr scares I have had over past 6 months I have developed huge health anxiety and I think doctors were not taking me seriously. 

The lump came back doc fobbed me off again last Thursday so yesterday I paid to see a consultant and local spire hospital.  200 pound it cost but he was thorough.  He thinks I have an abcess and possible fistula. I told him about lymph nodes and he checked he said they are tiny but he wants ultrasound and he's referring me back in to nhs for an EUA and sigmoidoscopy within next 4 to 6 weeks.  I asked him about anal cancer. He said to me he doesn't think it's anything sinister.  He did rectal exam and other than the cut he wasn't concerned really. His secretary said today he would rush me through if he was really concerned. I am sat here petrified and just wanted to reach out to you all really. Thank you 

  • Hi  and welcome to the group. I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling so anxious but rest assured you have done the right thing in getting this checked out. I know you’ve had to pay privately for that initial consultation but your health and peace of mind are so important. It’s good that you’re now being referred back for investigations on the NHS.  During your EUA a biopsy may be taken if any suspicious area is noted with the results taking approximately 2 weeks to come back. Please bear in mind that anal cancer is quite rare so hopefully this won’t be your diagnosis but even if it is, it can be quite successfully treated. Obviously you are going to have a stressful wait before you receive a definite diagnosis so please come on here for support whenever you need to. We have members at all stages of diagnosis through treatment and beyond. Bev. 

  • Thanks Bev for getting back to me and letting me know the waits. Did you have an EUA? 

  • Hi  yes I did. I had one 11 months after my treatment had ended as there was scar tissue at the site and they wanted to check there were no cancer cells lurking around. I was in and out of hospital in under 4 hours, it was a needle biopsy so no pain afterwards. Initially I had a biopsy before my actual diagnosis. You could see the tumour coming out of the anal canal.and I was told before the biopsy that it was cancer, the biopsy was to confirm the diagnosis.  Bev. 

  • Thanks I have no tumour he could feel in anus. Maybe this is a good sign 

  • How big was tumour Bev

  • Hi  my tumour was 2.1 cm, i understand they measure the tumour by rolling it into a ball. It was inside my anal canal but had grown so you could see it sticking out. Not pleasant. I hope you get your appointment through quickly, it’s awful waiting around. Bev. 

  • Thanks bev. There are no tumours in the canal that he could feel when he did rectal exam. Although I felt a tiny skin tag and I mean tiny near the dentane line. He wasn't concerned about that 

  • Hi 3565,

    I had rectal exam by colorectal surgeon because I thought I had anal fissure.

    I just wanted to reassure you a bit because when he spoke to me about my symptoms (sore bottom that would not clear up) and then examined me, he said immediately that I had something there which he suspected was a tumour - bit of a shock. They are very experienced at this and if your doc felt it was anal tumour I'm sure he would have mentioned and yes, I was rushed through for colonoscopy so it sounds as though your doc does not think anal tumour is present. If he said he doesn't think it's  anything sinister, he is probably right, so try to stay focused on getting well but not worrying needlessly.

  • Oh thank you.   I hsve however felt a tiny lump at dentane line. It is so so tiny though probs a couple of mm. Was your tumour quite big 

  • I have a fissure which was a lttle sire had it for a few weeks thar why I went to GP in first place. Its in the top of anus at 12 o'clock position nearest to vagina.