Still suffering 6yrs post Radiotherapy treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 56 subscribers

   It is six years since I completed my radiotherapy and chemo treatment. and unfortunately, I still suffer on a daily basis.  I was badly burnt with the radiation and spent twelve days in an isolation ward.  I imagine this is very rare, so would-be patients, perhaps, should not worry.  I only mention this, as I would like to know if any others are suffering post treatment.  My daily quality of life is poor, due to severe IBS  and Lymphodema.  I am keen to hear from anyone who is suffering from similar problems.

  • Hi there ,

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m sorry to hear you’re still experiencing difficulties 6 years post treatment. I sympathise with you on the IBS front as I too now experience issues with certain foods. I very rarely suffer diarrhoea, I do have to be careful though as I easily become constipated, I take stool softeners to counteract this, my main issues involve sometimes painful bloating & gas! There’s certain foods that I know if I eat them I’m going to have issues! My digestive problems are manageable though & as long as I steer clear of the red flag foods then I’m ok & it doesn’t affect my quality of life. I think the radiotherapy has altered my digestive system permanently but as I’ve said it’s manageable. I don’t personally suffer with lymphoedema but have a friend that had treatment some years ago for cervical cancer & she had this post treatment & it was unfortunately an ongoing issue for her. Hopefully other members will see your post & share their experiences also. 


  • Dear Nikki,

    I am pleased that you were not too badly affected.  I am sure that the reason that I was, was due to being burnt by the radiotherapy. I was sorry to hear that your friend had Lymphadema, as this is something, that they know there is no cure for.
    Anyway, good luck with your future.

    Kind regards,