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  • 3 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi to everyone,

I am an anal cancer survivor, though unfortunately, in my case, the survival part has not been without it's challenges.

I look forward to chatting about my experience, and meeting with other members on this site.

  • Hi Gillian, would be good to hear your side of being an anal cancer survivor, iv just started my treatment I got 4 days in and ended up in hospital only came out last night, so basically they think my chemo tablet caused my blood vessels to go in to spasm which gave then appearance of a heart attack so been in a cardio ward since last Thursday being monitored, had an echo scan  and yesterday had a angiogram luckily all came back with no issues so heart well, so now need to talk to oncologist to find out what the treatment will be x x 

  • Hi Gillian

    So good to hear you're a success story Heart Please may I ask what stage you were? I'm stage 4 but I'm staying positive. I'm going to ask for a second opinion and also look at treatment abroad, they won't do surgery on my liver in the UK but other countries do. Are you in remission? I'd love to hear your story xx

  • hi Niccisam ! did you had your second opinion ?how is your situation today?did you find place abroad keen to do surgery on your liver ?