New treatment updated

  • 4 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi had meetings today so it's going to be fun need to have scans planning scan. Then combination of radiation and chemo but have to go into Hospital for first 4 days at beginning and 4 days near end hospital stay is for Chemo. I know it's going to be tough but just need get this done

  • Hi 

    Thats good that a treatment plan is now in place. You know what you’re facing now & although it’s daunting you’ve got the right mindset wanting to get things underway & get the treatment done. Have you been given an idea of a start date at all? Hopefully it won’t be too long now. 


  • Near end off March have been off work a while looking like off another 3 months

  • I was off work for a total of 6-7 months, I had my diagnosis 14th February 2018, surgery 12th March, 8 weeks to heal then 23 days of chemoradiotherapy began on 14th May. I returned to work 5-6 weeks post treatment although I only work part-time. From diagnosis I just couldn’t cope mentally with the challenges that work sometimes brings but I made sure to keep myself busy as much as possible at home as it avoided me going down a rabbit hole of what ifs!  I hope you get a start date soon.


  • Going for planning scan on Monday. It seems a long time to be off I work on telephone all day so would be hard to concentrate