Still waiting

  • 2 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Still waiting to meet new consultant had pet scan getting a bit impatient. Just want to get treatment started. I am a bit down not getting any where in weight loss need to lose 6 stone seems like a Joymountain to climb I do comfort eat sorry just feeling a bit down today and it's very windy here. 

  • Hello Blackpudding, sorry you are feeling down today. Yes, it is very frustrating when you just want to get started, but it will come and you could use the time now to get yourself ready. Are you having chemoradiation treatment? There is lots of info and advice here on things to do and get hold of that will help you, so you could spend the time browsing this forum and catching up, and listing the things you think you might need - nothing is very expensive and some of the ideas are fab. You will perhaps feel you have a bit of control over the process rather than just waiting for it to be done to you.

    Weight loss is a hard thing to take on whilst you are having this treatment so my advice would be to concentrate on eating as healthily as you can to give your body as much strength as possible, rather than focusing on weight loss in itself. I am also a comfort eater so I know what you mean. I did laugh when you said it was a bit windy; Lots of us here are also a bit windy - that's anal cancer for you!

    All the best

  • Thanks for kind words I am amusing myself to think off a new word for Anal cancer it not a nice word maybe Bum cancer of cancer off the behookie