Terminal Anal Cancer

  • 28 replies
  • 60 subscribers

Hi, I'm new here. I've recently been diagnosed with anal cancer and the prognosis is very doom and gloom. I've been told my average expectancy is 20 months but I've just seen another report that has given me less than 12 months which is shocking. I want to stay super positive as I believe it is key to fighting this awful illness. Has anyone had a similar prognosis and still here years later? X

  • I'm sorry you have received that news. Are you going to be started on any treatment? X

  • Yes, I'm starting 12 weeks of chemo next week x

  • I’m shocked, Surely there has to be something they can do, has it spread anywhere.

  • Yes, my liver but there's only 3 small lesions. I need to get a second opinion but not sure how to go about it x

  • Hi ,

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry to hear of your diagnosis & the prognosis you’ve been given. I agree that I think in your position I would be asking for a second opinion too. I’m presuming that the chemo will be to treat your mets? Has your oncologist spoken about any radiotherapy to your anal cancer at all? You have the right approach to this awful disease, please try & hold onto that positivity. Have you asked about clinical trials? It would be worth just asking if there’s anything out there. 


  • Hi iv just been diagnosed with Anorectal cancer advanced Stage 4 N1, so apparently I have squamous carcinoma in my anus but have a 7cm tumour in my rectum, apparently very uncommon, pet ct scan shows no mets, I’m just about to start chemo and radiotherapy on the 21st of this month every day for 28 days I can’t wait to start treatment but very anxious about the side effect, I really hope you can get a second opinion.

  • Hey 

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Your apprehension & anxiety about your upcoming treatment is completely understandable, I remember feeling exactly the same. I was eager to get started but at the same time dreading the thought of what was to come! Try not to worry too much, the side effects of treatment such as the skin reaction to the radiotherapy build gradually & your treating team will make sure you have everything you need in the way of lotions & potions. Once your treatment gets started & when you get into the routine of your daily hospital appointments 5 weeks will go a lot quicker than you think. All the very best of luck for your start date. 


  • I'm also stage 4 gone from anal to vagina and lymph nodes. I start treatment on the 23rd. Good luck x

  • Thank you Nikki 65 and for this information it really is great knowing that I will be looked after with side effect, I know everyone is different we don’t all get the same and some more or less than others.

  • Hi Watto78 sorry to hear of your diagnosis my oncologist showed me my pet ct scan which showed a mass tumour in my rectum cancer  in the lymth nodes and anus they said it haven’t spread anywhere else, are you having chemo and radiotherapy? Good luck with your treatment too x