Getting off opioids (because anal cancer wasn't fun enough)

  • 3 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi, All... This is my first day on the site. I wish I had found this earlier! I'm in the USA, 54 years old, was diagnosed with Stage 3 anal cancer in May 2021 and did what is sounds like most do: 28 days radiation and oral chemo, two days chemo infusions. My treatments concluded 30 July 2021. Recovery was hell. I was in excruciating pain and ended up needing 100mg hydrocodone (norco) + 135mg of morphine a day. I'm now far enough into my recovery to only have pain during bouts of fissures and hemorrhoids. I've been slowly weaning off the opioids and have made it down to 0 hydrocodone and 75mg of morphine. But my palliative care team was moving me down in 15mg increments and throwing me into withdrawal each time. It's been terrifying. I'm wondering if anyone can share how they got off opioids? What was your experience? Every doctor, addiction specialist, therapist, etc. tells me something different and I'm exhausted and scared. I've also been on them for so long that my cognition and memory are impaired. I understand it is temporary, but it makes it challenging to research such a complicated topic. Many thanks for sharing your experiences... xoxo

  • Hi there ,

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis, treatment & subsequent issues!

    I have to admit I couldn’t take any opiate based pain relief when I had either my surgery (local resection) or my chemoradiotherapy as they all caused me chronic constipation almost immediately! I think here in the UK it’s mostly codeine & liquid morphine that are used but generally only in the short term, sometimes morphine infused dressings are prescribed for chronic skin reactions. I’m not aware of anyone that has posted regarding issues with withdrawal from opiate based pain relief but that’s not to say they’re not out there & could read your post. Have you asked your palliative care team if the weaning off could be slowed down at all? Maybe trying 10mg increments rather than 15mg? I understand that you want to be off these meds but coming off them safely is paramount to you physically & mentally. I remember watching a health segment on TV just after I’d had my diagnosis etc., & it was discussing the prescribing of specifically morphine & how rates of prescribing has gone up in the UK, it said that your body can become dependent in as little as 72 hours & although in the short term & smaller doses this won’t cause issues when the medication is stopped in higher doses the concerns were growing about symptoms of withdrawal. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help & I really hope you get some help & advice in managing this soon so that you feel a little more like yourself. 


  • Hi    welcome the the group. As @Nikki65 has said, I can't recall anyone mentioning the withdrawal from opioids issue but hopefully someone who has experience of this may read your post and reply.  I have carried out a search using the search bar at the top of the page but couldn't find any recent posts that were  overly helpful although I did find the following post-please click on the link. It contains advice from a nurse and embedded within the post are links to other pieces of information, a couple  of which may be worth a read.  Hope this helps a little, Bev 

  • Hi welcome to the group Michelle! I am on opiods, because of pain I can't do without it.  Just trying to reduce it slowly, I think dangerous to do otherwise.  I have come off them before, once pain subsided. Wasn't addicted at all, very careful to only use when desperate. I think any drastic reduction will give you nasty withdrawal symptoms so do it slowly.  All the best. x