New to the group

  • 4 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi Everyone, I hope you are all well. 

So I got a stage 1 anal cancer diagnosis in early Dec 21. I was v lucky that all my scans were clear but there are still stage 3 abnormal cells. I had a further operation on Wed for biopsies. I am trying so hard to remain positive that these cells will not progress any further. Has anyone else experience of this?


  • Hi there ,

    Firstly I’d like to offer you a warm welcome to our little corner of the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    I was diagnosed with stage 1 (T1N0M0) anal cancer back in February 2018, my tumour couldn’t be located on either of my diagnostic scans & like you I was lucky that it was localised. I went into hospital as a day case to have an external polyp removed & what they thought was an internal ulcer repaired but was told by the colorectal surgeon that performed the surgery at my local hospital that he’d biopsied the area instead as it seemed to be growing inward, I think my super vigilant GP that referred me on the 2 week pathway suspected cancer! I thank god for her every day as so many Anal cancer symptoms are brushed off by GP’s as benign conditions!  I was brought back into clinic a week later & told that there were signs of cancer. If you click on my profile you’ll be able to read the rest of my journey there. Have you been given any idea of next steps at all? 

    We have many members here that have been diagnosed all different stages who are at different places in their treatment & recovery but we’ve all been where you are now & understand what a stressful time it is so please if you have any questions just ask no matter how personal they may seem we will all have asked them ourselves before I’m sure. 


  • hello Vicki, just wanted to say hi. My tumour was a bit further on than yours but I am finished my treatment now at least. Please stay positive, the treatment for this cancer seems to be very effective so I hope all goes well for you.

  • Thank you so much for your message. Hopefully I won't have much longer to wait for my results. 

  • Thanks for your message Nicola. 

    My recovery after surgery was painful for some days, only in relation to toilet visits, as you can imagine. I had no stitches but 8 biopsies were taken plus an incision of my previous scar area. I know i am very lucky compared to so many but I am very grateful for finding support with yourselves.