After treatment

  • 3 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hello, I am new to the group. I finished my treatment on 30 December 2021. I had 28 fractions of chemo and radiotherapy. I know it is early days, but I cannot seem to sleep enough. I sleep 

almost through the night but after getting up about 0930-100 I still need to sleep in the afternoon for another 2 hours. Can I really be this tired?

  • Hello and welcome to the community. I am not from this group, but have had my fair share of pelvic radiotherapy. I think the way you are feeling is quite common following treatment. We know that radiotherapy continues working for a couple of weeks after treatment finished. Like you, I had daily bouts of fatigue and was told it was a natural process as the body shuts down to direct as much energy as possible to the recovery process. I had to curl up on the couch for a few hours each day with no energy. This lasted several weeks, but gradually eased as time passed. I hope all goes well. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Hello Riley,

    thank you for your reply. I expect I will just get used to slowing down for a while. I don’t think I have ever slept so much! At least it will pass. 
    best wishes to you


  • Hi 

    Welcome to the Macmillan online community & our little group although I’m sorry you’ve had the need to find us. Also congratulations on completing your treatment. For me the fatigue brought on by treatment was a prominent side effect. I would sleep like a log all night but couldn’t get through the day without having an afternoon nap! In the 2 weeks after my treatment had finished I slept a lot but that’s when your body does it’s best healing, a lot of cell renewal takes place when your sleeping so I really wouldn’t worry at this stage just go with the flow the fatigue will pass, your body has been through the mill over the last 5 weeks taking on board 28 days of 2 really toxic treatments & now’s the time for recovery. Wishing you all the very best with your recovery. 
