Just to say hello

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  • 58 subscribers

Hi, I was diagnosed on the 25th October and started chemotherapy & radiotherapy on 15th December.  I'm not sleeping well at the moment and always seem to feel hungry. Is this the norm?

  • Hi Hedgie47, welcome, Like you I am not sleeping well at the moment , I guess it probably is normal. Although I am tired from the radiotherapy , it’s hard to sleep for long periods at night, waking up at 3 seems common, then it is impossible to get back to sleep. Appetite wise, I would say that is variable, I finished my treatment yesterday and although I was hungry to start with, appetite isn’t great now .  Good luck with the rest of your treatment, the time flies by and you will soon be on the other side x

  • Hi ,

    Firstly welcome to our group & the Macmillan online community although I’m sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    Sleep seems different for everyone as does appetite. Fatigue was a biggy for me although that doesn’t always equate good sleep, in my case thankfully I slept well throughout, my appetite was good throughout treatment also. It’s great that you’re feeling hungry as fuelling your body with good quality food with stand you in good stead throughout your treatment & afterwards during your healing phase. My oncologist told me that the oral chemo rarely has the severe side effects of chemo via infusion. 

    Don’t hesitate to ask if you have anymore questions we’ll help out wherever we can. Good luck with the rest of your treatment. 


  • Thank you, isn't it funny as it is always around 3pm that you wake up.

  • Hi Nikki 65, thanks for replying, my first lot of Chemo was IV but I am on tablets now so it is good to know that the side  effects are less severe,

  • Hi, welcome to the forum. I'm starting day 15/28 tomorrow on chemo tabs and radiotherapy. My appetite varies too. I've not had the best diet, in the early days just wanting bland food, crumpets, chicken supernoodles, toast but as the weeks have gone I've managed small portions of evening meals. I wake up loads in the night too, weirdly there must be a 3am thing. I too, often wake between 3 and 3.30am. I'm so tired and I don't know about anyone else but really feel the cold sometimes. I listen to sleep hypnosis podcasts and they really help when I can't sleep. Nausea has been a massive side effect too and this week. 

    Good luck for the rest of your treatment, this forum has been a great support. 


  • Glad you have finished your treatment, Best of luck on the rest of your journey.

  • Hi, you have given me a few ideas of what to eat as I get really hungry but don't fancy anything. I ask Google for music to help me sleep. 

    Good luck with your treatment as well x