Awaiting Elape surgery for recurrence of SCC anal cancer

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Hi everyone

My name is Mauranne, I’m just 76 and due to have surgery after Christmas.  Im reasonably fit for my age but wondering how I will be after surgery and particularly worrying is not being able to sit down for some time because of the perianal wound.  Has anyone recent experience of this surgery?  I find knowing what to expect helps me deal with things.

 I have had this cancer since 2017 and had chemoradiation but it’s come back.  Also during the monitoring of this cancer a nodule in my lung was discovered which turned out to be a different cancer, adenocarcinoma, and that has been successfully removed with VATS surgery two years ago.  

I would be grateful to hear from anyone who has experience of Aper or Elape surgery.  I’m not sure which I’m having because both have been mentioned.