Cushions to ease sitting with rectal cancer

  • 10 replies
  • 58 subscribers

Hi My husband has recently been diagnosed with cancer of the rectum. The pressure when sitting is so painful for him , he has to lay on his side. Have been looking if any cushions he can use to help. Has anyone used any that help Thank you 

  • Hi Pepsie 10 I had anal cancer which is different from rectal cancer but both are pretty uncomfortable when sitting. I have read on here that some benefitted from a donut ring but some said it can put pressure on the pelvic floor. This may be different for a man? I personally didn’t use a donut ring and my district nurse gave me a square blown up cushion with holes in similar to the holy cheese to try when I was very sore during treatment. This for me was still uncomfortable and I know there are many types on the market worth investigating. I am sure someone here will give some useful tips. 

  • Thank you Jaycee12, have looked at two, one is for when had surgery to ease pressure, the other is actually a pressure one and helps with a number of problems, one being anal cancer and as my husbands cancer is just inside the rectum and protrudes out, which makes it difficult for him to sit down and as he will soon be starting radiotherapy treatment and has to travel for it, want to find something to help him in car. We did get the doughnut but he couldn’t stand that,  Just thought someone might have tried some of the cushions and if helped or not.

  • Hi ,

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m so sorry to hear of your husbands diagnosis & that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    A lady that I went through treatment with purchased this cushion & found it a great help take a look & see what you think. I used a donut cushion post surgery but found it quite uncomfortable & really only used it if I needed to drive for short journeys. 

    We’re more than happy to answer any questions you have & to offer support here but tif it’s rectal rather than anal cancer that your husband’s been diagnosed with,  treatments etc., can be quite different & you may find more relevant advice in the Bowel (colon and rectal) cancer forum if you just click on the link it should take you straight there without you having to search the site. 

    I hope this helps a little. 


  • Hi Nikki65 Thank You for your reply, thank you for the link to the site for cushions, I had found those cushions but some are for pressure on the tailbone and other sorts of pressure, the one I looked at did mention anal cancer and while my husband does have lower rectal cancer, with the cancer actually protruding from his bottom, thought that as he cannot sit down and ends up laying on his side or basically balancing on one bum cheek because of pressure on the cancer protruding thought that one would perhaps be the best basically for the pain on sitting. I will as you suggest look on the other forum. 
    He does now know what treatment he is having and when  so wanted to find something to help with travelling for appts.

    thanks again for your help 

  • Hi again ,

    Yes I agree his discomfort will be akin to anal cancer if it’s lower rectal & as you’ve described with your husband the tumour protruding is an issue for many with anal cancer too. I was diagnosed very early so my discomfort came from the surgery to remove my tumour & then from the radiotherapy so I completely sympathise with the balancing on one bum cheek action! It’s good that he has a treatment plan & a start date & as daunting as this can feel it can also be a point of focus rather than flailing around in the sea of tests & post diagnosis appointments etc. Please don’t hesitate in coming back if there’s anything else you might think we can help with. I’m sending lots of positive thoughts your way. 


  • Thank you Nikki65, had a lot to get our heads round in the last few weeks, so much information to digest but as you say now have plan for treatment and more things have been explained to us, so we are moving forward instead of like you say flailing around with all tests etc. Anne 

  • Hi  I had a great cushion provided for me free by the District Nurses. It’s a large smooth pressure relieving cushion. Ask the hospital if they can refer you to the District Nurses and they may have a choice available for your husband.  I wouldn’t have been without it. Bev. 

  • Hi 1in1500 Thank you will try that as well thanks again 

  • I have been referred to a 'cushion clinic', so they are available. I bought one early on as I was in so much discomfort. After some research I avoided the donut style ,and have a foam one with a cut out at the back - it has transformed my life! I hadn't heard of anyone else with the tumour protruding, and it's just so re-assuring to know it happens. I've had two serious prolapses involving a lot of blood and that was scary. That's why these forums are invaluable. I go in for the PICC line tomorrow, and start chemoradiotherapy on Wednesday. I'm scared, but know I will come through. I wish your husband the very best - and tell him to let the team know how painful it is; they finally gave me liquid morphine for days when it seems unbearable. 


  • Hi LesB Thank you will tell my husband to mention about sitting and cushions, we have ordered one we hope will help him. He is ringing his GP tom to see if he can get some Liquid Morphine as he had a bad night last night with pain, which he said was the worst he has had, he didn’t get a lot of sleep and just wants something for when it is really bad. He has an appt on Wed for a scan and to get him ready for his radiotherapy in Dec. Hope all goes well for you Wed and understand you being scared, as is my husband but he now has a timetable to work too as such, a lot to go through as you but an end in sight Take care Pepsie10