Stoma reversal following treatment

  • 5 replies
  • 58 subscribers

I was diagnosed with Anal cancer 2 years ago and treatment followed during Lockdown1. I was given a temporary loop stoma. I have now developed a parastomal hernia and am looking for a hernia repair and colostomy reversal. My surgeon is reluctant to operate until I am 5 years post-diagnosis. Has anyone had experience of this? It seems unusual to have had a colostomy at all. Is this true? I’d like to know if I’m unusual in this. 

  • Hi   and welcome to the group.  Whilst I have not had a stoma myself, there are plenty of other members of the group who have. I can't say I recall any conversation in this group regarding reversal though, but there is a group on this site who I think would be able to provide you with more information.  If you click on the following link and post your question there, I am sure someone will be able to help you,   Bev 

  • Hi Mrs Astor. I have just seen your message. I completed my treatment in April 2020 and my Stoma was reserved in the October 2020. I was very lucky to have private heathcare through my employer.  

    I also have a hernia and this was repaired via keyhole at the same time as the reversal.   However the hernia then came back again and I have had a further open surgery hernia repair operation since then.  

    My bowel movements have gone back to fairly normal, however I do lack control so no how other issues, and I although the reversal was a success there are times when I miss the stoma. 

    i hope this helps.  Take care xx

  • Hi Mrs Astor, I have had my stoma since 17th September 21. I am also looking to have mine reversed, but have been told I have to wait till I'm 6 months after an 'All clear' from my stage 4 anal cancer. Also I need to be in control of my bowel movements, which at present I'm not.

    Best of luck to you moving forwards and getting your reversal with good resultsThumbsupFingers crossedThumbsup

  • Hello  I had a stoma created on the 13th January this year. My treatment finished Friday gone. I was diagnosed stage 4 also. Is it usually stage 4 that get the stoma I wonder? 

  • Hi Watto78,

    I have read a few posts on this forum where some people have stomas for various other conditions. I know it saved my life!

    I remember A nurse whispered that in my ear as I was coming round from my operation.

    Through choice I would like to have mine reversed, some people chose to keep theirs.... I'm still trying to re train my bowel movements, feeling the sensation is not easy after treatment of radio and chemotherapy, but my doctor says it may take a while to heal internally.

    My next appointment is in 10 days, then there are more ct scans to follow.

    Good luck with moving forward with your treatmentFingers crossedFingers crossedThumbsupStay positive.