Treatment about to start now have dpyd!

  • 2 replies
  • 55 subscribers

Hi all, I’m writing on behalf of my husband he has been diagnosed with T3 anal cancer, he is in a lot of pain all the time, although has improved slightly since being on morphine.  He is just about to start treatment and they have said he has DPYD so he won’t be able to have the dose of chemotherapy that they originally said as it can have severe symptoms. Has this happened to anyone else? 

  • Hi and welcome to the group. As you are aware, people with a DPD enzyme deficiency can suffer extreme side effects to certain types of chemo drugs and so this is the reason your husband's chemo dosage has been reduced. It's a good job this deficiency was picked up before he started treatment. Just to reassure you both, the radiotherapy is the main part of treatment for anal cancer and the DPD deficiency won't affect this. Whilst this hasn't happened to me personally, I do recall someone else mentioning in the group they also had this deficiency. Hopefully they will read this and share their experience with you. I would also suggest discussing your concerns with the Oncologist or colorectal nurse who has been assigned to your husband, I'm sure they'll be able to put your minds at rest that the treatment will still be effective without the full dose of chemo. Bev. 

    1. Hi thank you for your reply that has put our mind at rest, we have appointment tomorrow so hopefully find out more.