Rectum cancer

  • 7 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi all my husband was told yesterday he has a tumour in his rectum and it’s cancerous I am at my witts end can only imagine how he is .. he is only 43 and have 2 kids ages 18 and 12 can believe this is happening .. he had to go for ct scam In 2 weeks to see if it spread to lungs or liver can anyone please help 

  • Hi  I’m so sorry to hear your news, it is so shocking to receive such news & is difficult to process. As with anal cancer, it is usual to scan the lungs and liver to check for spread. Once the results are back there will be a meeting of the professionals involved in your husband’s care, it’s called a  multi disciplinary team meeting (MDT). A treatment plan will then be formulated and shared with your husband at a meeting with his Oncologist. It’s going to be very difficult to get through the  time from now until your husband receives the treatment plan, it really is the worst time. Once the plan is received and you’ve had the opportunity to discuss treatment options with the Oncologist, things will be clearer and you will feel more in control of the situation. In case you want to post in the Rectal group as your husband’s cancer is in the rectum, please click on the following link   Bev 

  • Thank you so much for reply bev I just don’t no what to feel I am been strong and will remain strong the said it’s at the very bottom of the rectum 

  • Hi  it is such a stressful time, your life just gets tipped upside down and you’re faced with a new and frightening reality. It does take time to come to terms with a cancer diagnosis and all that entails and not just for the person who has  actually received the diagnosis but you will get there. So, the cancer is at the end of the rectum, I wonder whether it has entered the anal canal which is the final part of the digestive tract. Either way please feel free to post in either this group or the Rectal group, there’s lots of people at all stages of diagnosis, treatment and beyond with tonnes of experience between us so please feel free to ask any questions or if you want to just offload this is the place to do it. There will always be someone around to help Bev. 

  • Hi 

    As Bev has already said I’m also so sorry you, your husband & family are going through this right now. Everything seems so surreal when you’re given such devastating news. The stage your husband is at is such a stressful time, you’re given this diagnosis &  then find yourself waiting around for staging scans, appointments etc., when all you want is to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Bev has already given you the link to the bowel/colon/rectal cancer group but please feel free to post here too. The treatments for rectal & anal cancer do differ but hopefully once your husband has had his scans then a treatment plan will be put in place & you’ll know where you’re heading. There is also the Family and friends - Discussion Forum &  groups as you need support throughout this journey too, sometimes in some respects I think it’s even more difficult for the family members than it is for the person diagnosed. 


  • Thanks he has a ct scan Tuesday to see if it spread to liver and lungs please god it hasn’t they were talking about a stoma bag could happen down the line 

  • Hi again ,

    These scans are routine once you’ve had a cancer diagnosis, it’s so your husband’s treating team will have a clear picture before they begin putting a treatment plan in place for him.

    Sometimes when someone has either surgery or radiotherapy for rectal or anal cancer temporary stoma surgery is necessary, a lot depends on position & size of the tumour I think, if surgery is required then it depends on the extent of the surgery as to whether reversal of the stoma is an option, a large portion are reversible. Most people I know that have had stomas get to grips with them pretty quickly & if it is the case that your husband needs one there is the Ileostomy, colostomy and stoma supporton here too but that’ll be something to think about further down the line if required. 

    Much of our advice comes from personal experience & things we’ve learnt along the way so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask & we’ll try to help if we can. 


  • Thank you Nicola for support I am trying to be strong and positive for him and my kids it’s so hard I just break down and cry when he not here