Hello I an new

  • 4 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi there everyone

my name is Ian and I have just joined this group

I have finished by first week of radiotherapy, and was given a two week break before I start a 12 week course of chemo

i am still in so much pain and can’t sleep, my hips ache so much has anyone else had this experience I was wondering?

I am also running a Facebook blog documenting each day if you wish to read it



  • Hi @Iansteel and welcome to the group although I'm sorry you've had the need to find us.   What pain relief are you on currently?  I would suggest that you speak to your treating team about trying a different type of pain relief although be careful with opioid based pain relievers they can cause constipation although you can take stool softeners to counter that.  My hips ache too on and off, in fact today I got out of bed and they're on a bad day.  Sometimes, the radiotherapy can cause hairline fractures to the hips so I would also mention this to your treating team although I wouldn't expect this would have occurred so soon into treatment.   Issues with the hips seem to be a very common problem with pelvic radiotherapy, hopefully others will be along soon to share their experiences.  Bev 

  • Hi ,

    I’d also like to welcome you to the Macmillan online community although as Bev has said I’m sorry you find yourself here. 

    I would just echo that you should speak to your treating team about adjusting your pain relief. I alternated ibuprofen & paracetamol 2 hourly along with lansoprazole to protect my stomach as the ibuprofen was high strength. 

    I had & still do have aching hips, I have a short history of osteoarthritis prior to treatment & the radiotherapy seems to have accelerated this. Also I’m aware that the radiotherapy causes stenosis & I do wonder if some of the pain is muscular opposed to joint pain, I’m considering seeing if I can get a referral for some physio to see if that helps as I seem to stiffen up really quickly if I’m not on the move. 

    If you’d like to share the details on how to find your blog on Facebook I’d definitely be interested in reading it. 


  • Hi Nicola, just look Ian steel up on Facebook I am the guy with my daughter all be it an old photo, thanks for your advice

  • Great I’ll take a look. I hope you manage to get some pain relief sorted out. You know where we are if you need to chat or have any questions etc. 
