So much better and a happy birthday

  • 8 replies
  • 57 subscribers

I just want to say thank you and tell you that I felt so much better after all of your words of encouragement, kindness and wisdom. I made a special effort this week to get dressed up every day as I used to.. make-up and hair, even wore my mountain biking shorts although I can't mountain bike for at least a while!!! I've been planting flowers, cooking and as much as I can..housework. it's my birthday today as I've told you. I've had a lovely day but I've took it easy as I have two days of surprise parties (nothing gets past me) haha. Still have a major running to the loo problem but it's not going to be a problem for me at my celebrations (family) . Thank you again xxxx Marie 

  • Hi (Marie), I'm glad you're feeling a little better and a very happy birthday for today.  You enjoy those parties, you deserve to! All the best, Bev xx

    1. Aww, thank you. You're a very special person that has helped me feel this way. I'll probably be a nutter again soon but for now..Yahoo xxx Marie 
  • Hi Marie (),

    I’m so pleased you’re feeling a bit better now. It’s always good to get back to doing something that you enjoy. I would always feel better when I got up & made an effort, I would feel better putting a bit of make-up on even if it was just to walk the dog. Happy birthday & enjoy the rest of your celebrations.


  • Thank you my dear. Honestly I couldn't have done it without you and my lovely group. As I've just said to Bev I'll probably be a nutter again soon but I'm enjoying the now xxxx

  • That’s great news Marie!  Happy birthday and enjoy all of it!  The best thing about illness is that you really appreciate feeling well…

    Makeup - what’s that?Joy  I’ve been trying to wear earrings again but it’s been so long that the holes have almost healed up.  Should I blame cancer or lockdown?

    I have played table tennis at my club 3 times this week, just an hour each time, & it’s amazing to have fun again & still be able to walk 5 miles the next day  xxx  toni

  • Stop it!your making me jealous! Although I do need to reprimand you on not wearing makeup and earrings lol. Going through treatment I felt more naked without my earrings than my knickers ooo err Mrs xxx Marie 

  • You’re right about earrings & knickers, but the judge didn’t see it that way so I’m typing this in holloway prisonJoy  xxx