My wife has anal cancer.

  • 4 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi. My wife was diagnosed with anal cancer towards the end of last year. A great deal has happened since then. After radiotherapy and chemotherapy the outcome was not what we had hoped. Main tumour had stabilised but some evidence of spread to lungs and liver. Now begun immunotherapy. Just have to wait now and hope for some positive results.

  • Hi and welcome to the group.  I'm so sorry to hear of your wife's situation. We did have a member of our group  who also had metastasis to the lugs and liver last year. I understand that she is currently doing ok.  I have heard good things about immunotherapy and I really hope it will help your wife. Things must also be difficult for you.    There is a group for carers only on this site from whom you can obtain support. If you click on the following link it will take you straight there     Please let us know if you have any questions or other issues we can help with,  Bev 

  • Hi ,

    I would also like to welcome you to the online community although I’m so sorry to hear of your wife’s diagnosis. I agree with Bev that it may be useful for you to also join the Carers only forum as you also need as much support as possible right now. I know it’s a different diagnosis but I have a friend that was diagnosed 5-6 years ago with malignant melanoma that over the first couple of years post diagnosis metastasised to her kidney, various lymph nodes, bowel & brain, she had a one off session of radiotherapy to the brain tumour & surgery to her kidney but has been on immunotherapy for the last couple of years & is doing really well, it seems to be holding her disease at bay as there’s been no new mets since she’s been on the treatment. As Bev has said we have a couple of members with mets to both liver & lungs & have done various treatments/surgeries to combat these, I’m not sure if they’ve been offered immunotherapy though. Please feel free to ask if there’s anything we may be able to help you with. 


  • Hi I also want to mention that you can also get support from your local Maggie’s Centre  During lockdown some of their services moved onto online video support. I understand that some centres may now be starting to provide face to face support again. Support can also be obtained via Macmillan Support Services is available on 0808 808 00 00 - most services are open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week.  Bev 

  • Hi, hope your good, been a while since you have been on, how is your wife doing. Love Louise xxxx