
  • 5 replies
  • 55 subscribers

Hi all 

not sure if I posted hello before I’m not A plus at social media

 so I came to hospital 4 weeks ago assuming I was in for a fistula repair after my doctor referring me for small skin tag on my bum and excruciating pain for the last yr blood clots blah blah 

half way through the op as I’d had spinal the specialist tells me I have an abnormal ulcer and he’ll speak to me after the surgery 

fast forward 3 weeks later I’m still in here diagnosed with squamous carcinoma cancer apparently means between 2 veins I have a large ulcer in my bum and a tumour in between my vaginal and anal wall 

had an op yesterday for a colostomy bag in pin but here I am anyone else goifn through this? I assume I heal before chemoradiotherapy starts? I’m told 5 days a week for 5 weeks?? 

  • FormerMember

    I am on oramorph zomorph tramadol pregablain codiene and iv paracetomol but I find I’m still in a lot of pain anyone Else in the uk who is on similar meds

  • Hi ,

    Firstly I’d like to welcome you to the Macmillan online community although I’m sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    Personally I didn’t have a stoma but there’s a few members that have been through our forum that have & yes it seems you’re given a period of time to heal from your surgery before beginning your treatment. 

    Chemoradiotherapy here in the UK generally consists of 28 sessions of radiotherapy, Monday to Friday weekends off, the chemo is usually delivered mitomycin infusion day 1 of radiotherapy then capecitabine tablets twice a day each day of radiotherapy so again Monday to Friday weekends off. There does seem to be the odd hospital or two that deliver the chemo a little differently with a longer chemo infusion in week 1 & week 5 with no oral chemo in between. 

    Have you been given a treatment plan yet? 


  • Hi   just wanted to say hello too and welcome. It must have been such a shock to go into hospital for a fistula repair and then to be confronted by a cancer diagnosis. You will find this group a great help. Hopefully someone will be along soon who has had a stoma. You can always post to the following group too for more advice about your colostomy , simply click on this link   they may also be able to assist with your query about the pain meds after a stoma. 

    Nicola has mentioned a treatment plan and you should either have this in place already or receive one very soon.  Please let us know if you have any more questions.  Bev 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    From what I can gather it’s 5 weeks of radiation and chemo via a pic lone on week one and 5 I’m really worried about the side effects and imagine the grossest images will be me and I’ve already had enough, I’m really struggling to walk atm my ulcer is 4cm and I have a mass attached and a node also that is cancer

     the pain in my bum is horrendous I’m stuck to my bed 23hours a day bar changing my bag when needed and a wee

     the ulcer can be felt just on the outside of my bum are the side effects bad? 

    ive asked if I can do this as inpatients as I don’t like my son seeing me like this but they’ve not replied as yet 

    my doctor said up the zo morph in a morning but I take my tablets at 9 by 12 I’m rocking again 

  • Hi my tumour was ulcerated too at the end of the anal canal so before I started treatment walking was painful. It sounds like the hospital  really need to get your pain under control. It is possible for the treatment to be delivered on an inpatient basis but it isn’t usual. I don’t know how far away you live from the hospital where treatment will take place but if you live quite far away it can be very tiring. The treating hospital can arrange patient transport for you but it can still be add to the tiredness if it’s quite a drive away.  I would be pressing the hospital to get your pain under control, it sounds horrendous. Given what you’re going through is there a friend or relative that can take this up with the hospital on your behalf? Bev x