Newly diagnosed

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  • 58 subscribers

Some weeks ago I went to see my GP because of severe pain in my bottom. She examined me and sent me off with an urgent referral to St George’s hospital, and after a colonoscopy I was told that I had anal cancer - what a bummer!

After a load more investigations - CT scan, MRI, PET scan - I saw the surgeon who recommended a colostomy which he said would relieve the pain somewhat. As sitting and standing were by then excruciating, I agreed. I had the colostomy nine days ago and am now back at home. Firstly, the lack of pain when I woke up after the op was miraculous and secondly, the colostomy has not proved to be as awful as I thought it would be. I’ll also be having a scan this week to check whether my kidneys will be able to cope with the chemo-radio therapy.

I’ll be seeing the Oncologist  later this week, so will know then when therapy will begin and for long.

Wish me luck!

  • Good luck RosaNz you sound like an absolute trooper. Hope you get the outcome that you are hoping for xxx Marie 

  •  Hi & welcome!  Happy for you that the brave choice was also the right one as it can be hard to know without hindsight.

    If you click on my name, you’ll see on my bio that I was a stretcher patient all through treatment as I chose to refuse that surgery.  There’s nothing quite as amazing as when excruciating pain disappears:)

    There’s a wealth of experience here, & no question is too personal or silly so please ask away or just come back whenever you feel like it  xx  Toni

  • Hi there ,

    Firstly I’d like to welcome you to the Macmillan online community although I’m sorry you’ve had the need to find us. 

    It’s great news that you’re getting on well with your stoma! & also that you felt immediate relief too I’m sure it will serve you well over the next few months. I hope your kidney scan goes well & plans go ahead for your start of treatment. 

    We’re a friendly, supportive bunch here so please do ask if you have any questions at all. We’ve all been where you are now & know how stressful things can be so even if you just want a bit of a moan we will offer a sympathetic ear. 

    Good luck with your oncology appointment. 


  • Thank you so much X

  • Thank you so much to you, Marie and Nicola for your encouragement and kind words. I can’t express how much it means to me knowing that I can count on you. X

  • Thank you so much X