7 weeks post treatment

  • 3 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi I was diagnosed and treated for anal cancer in February this year I finished my Radiotherapy in March after over 4 weeks in hospital with various infections and covid for good measure in week 3. I had to have a colostomy hopefully reversible dependant on my results in a few weeks time. I have now developed a hernia above my stoma site. I am just really fed up with all the set backs I keep having as I am still in a lot of pain despite my Zomorph and Oromorph. 
I know it’s never a good time to have cancer but covid has made it worse as I feel I have had to go through things alone. It would be nice to be in contact with people going through the same thing to see how they are coping with it. 

  •  Hi & welcome:)  Sorry you’re going through so much, alone.  Last year I had one setback after another & the only silver lining was that when improvement started, it felt extra sweet!

    I live alone too & haven’t had a hug for a year.  Actually there was one - a friend dropped in who I hadn’t seen for months, we hugged from habit then were both totally shocked we’d forgotten safety rules.  I don’t usually feel lonely & I’m fairly sane except for being tempted to hug an innocent lamppost & talking to strange dogs in the park... ok maybe I am a bit bonkers after all...

    If you click on my name you’ll see my story.  This is a great group with some lovely people - we moan a lot, give & get advice, moan, rant, moan, have some giggles... did I mention moaning?Joy

    Please join in whenever you’re in the mood - you’re not alone here & we all understand what you’re going through  xx  toni

  • Hi there , 

    Welcome to the online community although I’m sorry you’ve had to find us. I’m also really sorry that you’re experiencing the ongoing issues that you are.

    This last year has been so very difficult without adding in a cancer diagnosis which unfortunately has meant many, many people  attending hospital appointments/admissions alone when normally you’d maybe have a family member or friend for support. I live with my youngest daughter who was just starting her GCSE’s when I began my treatment & I’ve always attended my appointments, scans etc., alone although my dad came to stay with me during my treatment (pre-pandemic) as I wasn’t sure what to expect in the way of side effects. 

    We have a wealth of experience between us on here, some with stomas some without & we’re always here to support if we can so please don’t ever feel that you’re alone. 


  • Hi just wanted to say hi and welcome to the Group.  You really do sound to be having a tough time of it.  Please click on people's user names to see their stories and always feel free to ask anything. No topic is off limits here, nothing is too personal to ask! Bev x