Bum ache

  • 5 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hi all

I'm about 18 months post treatment and on the whole I'm doing ok, but I seem to get these 'episodes' where my bottom muscles and bones really ache, so much so that's its uncomfortable to sit down again. It seems to come and go because other times I feel fine and hardly any issues at all.

Anyone else experience this as time goes on? 

Deb x 

  • Hi ,

    I’ve suffered from sciatica on my right side since my surgery/treatment & 3 years down the line I figure that’s here to stay! I also had coccyx pain for some time following treatment but that resolved itself. For the last couple of weeks I’ve had exactly what you’re describing! I’ve developed a dull ache, sometimes it feels muscular & sometimes it feels that it’s in my bone, opposite side to my sciatica! It’s not so bad that I find it uncomfortable to sit or do anything else for that matter but it seems just to be there, I’ve been a little concerned as it’s the same side that my tumour was & although I know my chances are minimal of any recurrence it doesn’t stop you worrying does it? I’m due my annual scans next month so I’ll have everything crossed Fingers crossed 


  • Hi  we’re at roughly the same stage I think, about 20 months post treatment. Like  I’ve had sciatica and also aching in my hip bones. Just awaiting the results of a pelvic MRI for this, it could be due to radiation damage or the ageing process. I do have aching in my bones in general in my rear end from time to time and particularly after a bike ride even though I’ve got a padded gel seat. I also still get a mucous discharge on/off with soreness. Bev x

  • Hi  hope all goes well next month with your scans, I will be keeping everything crossed for you Bev x

  • Thanks both, I think it's just one of those 'episodes'! When I look back at my posts these aches and pains seem to flare up every few months or so. I just have to keep reminding myself that its happened before and all has been fine.

    Hard to stop the worry and not panic!! 

    Deb x 

  • Hi Bev (),

    Thanks very much, certain aspects of recovery don’t get much easier do they? I still get scanxiety! I think the visit to my oncologist on 8th June for my scan results should be my last as the trial I’m involved in should have gained all the info they need from me by then & I’m now on annual check-ups with my surgeon. 
