Hello - APR questions

  • 1 reply
  • 55 subscribers

Hi, I am new to this group and have so many rogue thoughts and questions running through my mind.

I had my operation for rectal cancer on 25th March which resulted in a permanent stoma and a “barbie butt”.

can anyone advise when they started to try to sit normally? My “butt” still feels numb is this usual?  How long does it take mentally to get your mind okay with all of this?

I have been told I am now cancer free, 20 lymph nodes taken and no cancer found so I do appreciate how lucky and blessed I am

thank you in advance

  • Hi there , 

    Firstly I’d like to welcome you to the online community & our group although I’m really sorry you’ve had the need to find us. 

    We have a couple of people on this particular forum that have gone through APR surgery but I’m not sure who still checks in on the site. You mention your diagnosis was rectal cancer, if you don’t get a response here to help out with your queries it would maybe be worth, if you haven’t already done so, also popping your post on the Bowel (colon and rectal) cancer forum, just click on the link I’ve posted & it’ll take you straight there. 

    This is a big surgery that you’ve had & pretty recently & the emotional healing from such major surgery is just as important as the physical healing & can sometimes take much longer! Can I ask are you in the UK? If so you can access counselling through your hospital/GP to help come to terms with the surgery & the changes this will bring. 

    Regarding physical healing & sitting etc., it’s still really early days, a little over 3 weeks, I can imagine something as simple as sitting normally is something you’re very eager to do but when you consider the trauma that’s been inflicted where you’ve had your surgery I should imagine you’ll be quite sore for some time. I had my tumour removed via a local resection prior to chemoradiotherapy, nothing like the scale of your surgery & I remember how sore I was & I spent at least a couple of weeks on my side or sitting on a doughnut cushion! 

    I hope that someone that’s been through this surgery sees your post & offers you some useful advice. 
