Big difference!

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  • 57 subscribers

Hi everyone,  today is day 12 since I finished my treatment and I'm finally feeling I'm past the worst. I have lots of new skin forming where only last week was raw! My appetite is coming back and I'm feeling a lot better in myself. I'm still very sore in the most sensitive places especially the girly bits and my portable bidet is still my best friend but there is a bit of improvement there too.  I've bought myself a few new summer dresses online and as soon as I'm strong enough I'll be outside and showing them off. My body definitely needs some exercise to get some muscle and stamina back. I have the councillor ringing me tomorrow for a consultation to see if I will benefit from counselling. I know that once I am not focusing on treatment and pain I'll turn my focus on what-ifs and I don't want to be going down that route. How are you coming along three? Are you ok? Xxx

  • Hi 

    I’m so, so please that you’ve turned the corner, this happened with me around the same time & healing happened pretty quickly after that. I was actually amazed on how quickly the new skin formed & how soon everything settled down. 

    I hope your chat with the councillor goes well tomorrow. 


  • Aww, thank you Nicola . It's blinking brilliant when things start to change for the better and so quickly like you say. When you think back to me first saying hello, I've gotten through the Chemoradiotherapy, getting through the side effects and actually feeling a lot more positive as you all said I would.  I'm looking forward to speaking to the councillor I hope they accept me. Everyone who speaks to me, Doctor's ,nurses and others tell me I look and sound great which has definitely not been the case most of the time so I hope that the councillor doesn't think I  sound like I'm happy as Larry doing the fan dance and cartwheels every day! I'll let you know how I get on xxx

  •  Hi, really happy to hear your good news!  I think the best feeling in the world is when pain stops...

    Isn’t it strange how counselling helps some people & not others?  It’s helped me in the past but for now all my focus is on keeping as fit & busy as energy allows - I need all the positives I can get, & love the sense of achievement when I do a personal best or feel some improvement.

    Maybe for me there’s an element of running away from the darkness of cancer & the months in bed, but I’m not about to say no to free happy drugs like serotonin & dopamine drizzled with adrenalineJoy

    Hope it works out well with the counsellor tomorrow  xx  toni

  • Thank you Toni, like I said to Nicola I'll let you all know how I get on xxx

  • Haha ,

    I know exactly what you mean, I’m very good at putting my game face on too! I remember getting picked up to go to one of my treatment sessions (I was lucky enough to be provided with transport each day by a local run charity who provide transport to my hospital for people getting treatment for either cancer or renal problems) & the driver commented on how glam I always looked! I always put my make-up on etc., to attend appointments as it made me feel so much better about myself but believe me I wasn’t feeling too glam from the waist down Joy Just make sure the councillor knows your concerns about coping now your treatment is over. 

    Once again I’m so pleased you’re on the up.


  • Hi  glad to hear you’re doing well. I hope all went well with the counselling today, it really helped me after I’d finished treatment. They provide coping mechanisms to help when the ‘what it’s’ start. I also had discussions around health anxiety in general, after I completed treatment I started thinking I had the Big C elsewhere, running to Dr Google all the time! Exhausting. I hope it helps you too. Bev x

  • Hi everyone, I had my assessment with the counsellor this morning and she suggested I have a couple of sessions with her. I'm really pleased as I don't talk about my true feelings with friends and family as I think it puts pressure on them to say the right thing which they never do and I end up feeling worse.  I had a bit more energy yesterday so I made an effort and cooked a quick (really quick) tea and hung some washing on the line. I was really chuffed with myself haha.  Today I've been really shattered and slept most of the day but that's okay.. one step and day at a time xxxx Marie 

  • Hi that's good news. You're right, one day at a time, after treatment and being impatient to get back to normal I tended to overdo things then the next day would be floored with no energy. It does take time to build back up to former energy levels but you will get there!  Bev x

  • Hi Marie (),

    That’s great that the counselling call went well today & yes it’s definitely the small milestones that bring you joy in the early days isn’t it? This is exactly what recovery looks like, you do a bit, you rest, the doing a bit gradually builds & the resting decreases but you’re doing great & listening to your body so keep on doing what you’re doing & you’ll get there. 
