Hello peeps. Anal cancer

  • 17 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hope you all don't mind me joining your group for support and some information. I  have symptoms of what I think could be anal cancer. At the moment I'm waiting to have a colonoscopy and bloods done. I've had a small lump on the outside of my anus for a few months, I didn't take too much notice of it, because at 72  I seem to have lots of little things growing on my body. However a couple of  weeks ago,  I found blood on the toilet tissue after wiping which kind of scared me, so thought I'd do an eConsultation with my doctor, which was a nightmare, as it wasn't my normal GP.  However, after seeing him, he recommended a colonoscopy and bloods done which I'm now waiting for. He gave me an internal, but didn't say anything and when I asked him about the lump he dismissed it as being nothing. I wasn't impressed, not sure he even saw it because I was on my side and he was so quick. I just wondered if some of you could tell me what symptoms prompted you to go and see your GP as I'm finding Dr Google confusing and scary. I haven't seen any blood since, but I am still worried. It's not piles or anal fissures from what I've read, it's a small flesh colored lump, it's not hard. 

I'm finding it hard navigating this site, but I'm getting there. Look forward to sharing and getting to know you all.


  • Hi Eirene and welcome:)  You’ve done the right thing by going to your doctor & getting tested.  It’s a stressful time waiting for the results, and you’re right to be suspicious of Dr Google whose main function seems to be to scare the bejesus out of everyone!

    The good news is that, if it does turn out to be anal cancer, it’s slow growing & has a high success rate in treatment especially if caught early.

    You can click on my name to read my story, & there are lots of lovely people here who’ll tell you more about symptoms & offer support.  I just wanted to say hiBlush  x  Toni

  • Hi  and welcome to the Group. The symptoms I had were bleeding each time I went to the toilet ( on the toilet paper), some itching and a lump inside the Amy’s. You can get anal cancer on the anal verge too ( the external skin of the anus). It’s good news that you’ve been referred for a colonoscopy, this will check some ( or all) of your bowel depending what type of colonoscopy it is. A colonoscopy is not a diagnostic tool for anal cancer though. Did your GP actually say what the lump was rather than just saying it’s nothing to worry about? I think it’s important that you have a proper explanation. You could ask to see a different doctor, say you’re worried it could be anal cancer and ask exactly what the lump is. Anal cancer is rare but can sometimes be missed by GP’s. It is well worth you following this up. Bev. 

  • Not the Amy’s the anus!! 

  • I definitely prefer the Amy’sJoy

  • Hi Bev, thanks for the info. No the doctor didn't say anything about the lump, only that people get all sorts of things as they get older. I wasn't impressed and he seemed in a hurry. I have filled  another eConsultation with my own doctor who's very thorough, or another female doctor if she's not available. I'm hoping the colonoscopy may show up what caused the bleeding. Hubby has taking a photo,  not my best looking photoJoyRofl. Will let you all know how it goes. I'm petrified and not eating much at the moment, know worry does nothing to help, but I can't stopHugging

  • Thank you for your reply Toni and hi to youKissing heart tooGrin. I will look at your story

  • Hi Toni. I've just read your story, and it's very encouraging. It sounds as though you've been through it. Are you now cancer free? Not sure about grading, what stage was your cancer when you were diagnosed. Thanks for info. xx

  •  My tumour was 6cm, about golf ball size.  There was blood & slime & pain & weird things growing out of my bum but I didn’t have anyone to take photosJoy

    I was certain it was haemorrhoids but my GP convinced me to get an MRI scan & biopsy which confirmed cancer.

    The tumour has probably gone now but for all sorts of reasons I’m not going back to hospital for more scans or tests.

    Please keep asking Qs & let us know any news  xx  Toni

  • Hi  you’ve definitely done the right thing in asking for a further consultation. Please do remember Anal cancer is rare but it does occur and as with any cancer the earlier it is caught the better. Let us know how you go on with your colonoscopy I hope you don’t have to wait too long. I can totally relate to the worry, it’s difficult try to stay calm through something like this. Please always feel that you can come on here for support. Bev 

  • Hi Eirene (),

    Welcome to the online community although I’m sorry you’ve had the need to find us. You’ve had some great information provided already here & I don’t want to add too much as information overload isn’t great especially as you’ve not had a diagnosis yet but I will echo what Toni has said in that if the worst comes to the worst & it is anal cancer that it does generally respond really well to treatment & there’s lots of us here that are proof of that.

    I also had an external polyp, similar to a plump skin tag if that makes any sense which similar to yourself all of a sudden in December 2017 it bled when I wiped after going to the loo, this happened again January 2018 & said polyp changed shape & appearance, I decided to get it checked out & was put on the 2 week pathway by a very astute, young Dr at my surgery & was diagnosed beginning of February 2018 following a biopsy & flexible sigmoidoscopy. If you click on my username you can read the rest of my story there. 

    Dr Google is a scary place & much of the information out there is really quite outdated! I think you’ve done the right thing in seeking a second opinion if you weren’t happy with the first Dr, anal cancers often go misdiagnosed & maybe if you get to speak with your own Dr request another examination with a better explanation it’s what you deserve. Hopefully you don’t have to wait long for your colonoscopy. It’s a worrying time for you but we’re all here should you need us. 
