Newly diagnosed

  • 3 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi All, I’ve just been diagnosed today. I’m feeling overwhelmed. Can anyone relate? Thanks

  • Hello 

    So sorry you’ve had to find us here and your diagnosis, but you will find this group very supportive. So well done for finding us! 
    Yes we can all relate to the overwhelmed feeling. We are all at different stages but here to help and share experiences. If you read through past posts you will get a flavour.....

    we will answer any questions and help anxiety - you will get a treatment plan soon. I read through the past posts, made a shopping list of all the things people suggested might help and bought in preparation. Lots of little things that just help with comfort. The hospital will give you all the lotions and potions to help. 
    have a read and then come back and ask questions.... be strong, be brave, be positive.... you will get through this! I’m 3 months post treatment so it’s still all very current for me. 
    Ruth x

  • Hi ,

    I’ll echo Ruth in welcoming you to the online community although I’m obviously sorry you’ve had the need to find us. 

    Feeling overwhelmed following any cancer diagnosis is perfectly natural & I’m sure we’ve all felt this way, I certainly did.

    Some people have colostomies before treatment starts & some don’t, I’m not sure of the deciding factors for this. The standard treatment for anal cancer is chemoradiotherapy, the chemotherapy side generally consists of a short infusion of mitomycin on day 1 of treatment followed by capecitabine tablets twice a day each day of radiotherapy, the radiotherapy is usually 28 sessions Monday to Friday therefore spanning 5.5 weeks. There are some slight variations on this treatment plan. This treatment is generally very effective against anal cancers. 

    I’m now almost 3 years post treatment & as far as I’m aware I’m NED (no evidence of disease) if you click on my username you can read a little about my journey there. 

    Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you have, we’ve people here at all different stages of their journeys, some just starting out on treatment & lots of us through the other side that have had excellent results, we have a wealth of experience between us & lots of tips that have been shared along the way. 

    You’re not alone, we’re here to support you through this difficult time. 


  • Hi Heartinuk, I am very sorry about your diagnosis and I can definitely relate to how overwhelmed you are feeling as it's only 2 months since I was formally diagnosed. I have shed many a tear and let my imagination run into dark places which I'm sure you are right now. Next week I finish my treatment! When I first posted like yourself that finish line seemed so far away but if you can focus on the day in hand and try not to worry about the next it does help. People on this site have all been where you are now and gotten or are getting through it so that's something positive for you to focus on. There are many wise souls with help and advice to help you here if you need it and you will be assured that the advice will be from personal experiences. Feel free to come on and have a little rant or just get your worries off your chest if you need to as I have xxxx Marie