My wife’s been diagnosed

  • 5 replies
  • 57 subscribers

Hi all, my wife and I received the dreaded news a couple of weeks ago that she has anal cancer. Since this horrible day, the NHS have been amazing, she has all three scans and has just come home today after a four day stint after having a Stoma fitted.

We have a meeting in just over a weeks time to discuss the extent of the cancer; sadly, she’s had it for quite some time judging by the size of the tumour.

Whilst in hospital, a doctor (this was the doctor who gave us the initial news and is highly regarded) had seen all the scan results and told my wife the cancer has spread but is all in the same area. She also said that it’s really hard to put a ‘stage’ on the cancer, but if she could, she would say a stage 3.

we’re absolutely terrified and scared - she’s on 41 and we have a young family. 

My wife asked about survival rates and the doctor said about 40%, although she did say percentages don’t take into account a number of variables.

I seriously need to hear some positive stories from people in a similar situation. I think we both need a light right now! 

Thanks for reading,


  • Hi there ,

    Firstly welcome to our online community although I’m sorry you’ve had the need to find us.

    Every time I welcome a new member & read the devastation theirs or their loved ones diagnosis is causing it takes me straight back to the feelings I had 3 years ago when I had that news, I sometimes think it’s something that will never leave me & I completely sympathise with the way you’re both feeling right now. 

    I’m so pleased your experiences through diagnosis, scans, surgery etc., have been positive ones, there’s so much bad press about other NHS services being put on the back burner so to speak because of the Covid crisis but it sounds as though things are moving at a good rate for your wife. 

    We have many lovely members here that have been diagnosed at all different stages & we are all at different points in our journeys. We have a few people at the minute that are recently diagnosed & ready for starting treatment & others like myself that are through the other side back living our lives. If you click on my username you can read a little about me there but I’m 2 years 8 months post treatment & doing well. 

    I buddied up with a lovely lady on here & we went through treatment at the same time & like your wife she was stage 3, she’s had great success with treatment & to my knowledge is fit & well to date. 

    Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions we’re here to offer you both support & we have an abundance of hints & tips for getting through treatment etc. Hopefully some of our lovely members will be along soon to share their experiences too. 

    Finding this community was the best thing I did after my diagnosis & will be forever grateful to the nurse that pointed me in the right direction, I'm pleased you’ve found us. 


  • Hi Marland,

    First, I'm so sorry you are walking through this nightmare but happy to hear your wife is being treated without delay. In October 2020, I received a diagnosis of stage IIIa anal cancer (my lymph nodes surrounding the tumor showed cancer), and my life fell apart. I'm 49 and have three boys - the youngest being 12. My husband was devastated and, frankly, we all crumbled. Once we crumbled, we regrouped and started the fight with resolve and hope.

    I had 29 sessions of radiation along with two types of chemo. I felt fine until about week 4 when the radiation burns began. My treatment ended on January 5th, and I've recovered quite well other than some constipation and stomach issues. I'm walking a few miles a day, and my energy level is close to normal. My first scan will be in April to assess the mass and treatment. I'm hopeful, albeit worried at times too. But I plan to be around for a while. 

    The 40% statistic you were given is vague and too general to hang onto as truth; your wife is young and stage 3 shows a survival rate of about 65%.  I currently chat with an "anal cancer" friend who had stage 3 anal cancer. Her tumor was larger than mine and she had multiple lymph nodes affected; she has been cancer-free since 2012 and feels fantastic.

    Please know this forum is so supportive and uplifting. You will always have someone to bounce issues and questions off of here. 

    Stay strong; you are in struggling with the unknown right now - it's the hardest time. Please tell your wife I am thinking of her and wishing her all the best. She can do this!

    Sending positive thoughts,


  • What a fabulous reply  I am in the exact same situation as this girl and your reply has really boosted me and I’m hoping this family . Wishing you well . Linzey X x x 

  • Linzey,

    I have been following your story, and I think you are a superstar. I hope you are feeling great. Say hello to your animals for me; I grew up on ten acres in the U.S. and we had sheep and chickens. I love that life! Even though we don't have space now, we still have two large dogs, chickens, a cat, and a bearded dragon. This is my tubby lab who doesn't read very well. Anyway, sending warm thoughts and good vibes! Sarah 


  • I never knew I could post photos!!! Oh my god you lot are in for it now Joy 

    Thankyou so much Sarah your such an inspiration 

    sooooooo cute

    X x x