10 days in

  • 6 replies
  • 56 subscribers

Hello again All. So partner is 10 days in to treatment and today was the first time he returned and said he didn't feel great but seemed to rally after some lunch. I've noticed in the last couple of days he has gone for a lay down in the afternoon. So far nothing else of change other than the more frequency to use the toilet. 

I guess I just don't know what to do with myself really. I have made sure water wipes are in and Epsom salts in case baths are needs. Made sure personal hygiene items in with no nasties in them as per the nurses advice. But it is the waiting and wondering when this "normality" is going to get difficult. I know there are no two cancer patients the same and I suppose that makes it so difficult. So grateful for the treatment he is receiving and the support you have all given me. Just finding I am anxious today but helped by a nosey neighbour complaining about our fencing being changed!!

  • I should say NOT helped by the nosey neighbour!

    1. good grief you don’t need a nosey neighbour moaning about a fence right now! How irritating.  It’s a gradual build up for the radiotherapy, people are different but generally the effects seem to be at their worst from 3 weeks in until 2 weeks after. It does make you feel exhausted but rest is good, your body needs time to repair itself. It must be so difficult for you having to watch someone you care about go through this. I’m sure your physical presence is reassuring to him in itself. Sometimes it’s enough just to have someone else there. Bev x
  • Hi 

    2 weeks checked off that treatment schedule already that’s great! As I’ve said before fatigue was a big part of the side effects of the treatment for me but as Bev has said rest is good there will be a lot of energy going into repairing the damage being done by the chemoradiotherapy & now it’s the weekend & your hubby has 2 days off treatment it’ll be a good time to catch up with some good quality rest, I used to live for those weekends! If the toilet visits become too much of an issue then loperamide can be provided by the radiotherapy/oncology team, available over the counter too but I’d hold off using until advised by the treating Dr’s, be wary not to over-use though as constipation is not what he needs right now take it from one that knows. 

    As for the nosey neighbour I’d just ignore them as best you can I’m sure their view on your choice of fencing is way down on your agenda right now! 

    Remember to look after yourself too. 


  • Thanks Bev. We’re you side effects really awful/unbearable? Hubby isn’t great with pain. This is the bit I’m really scared of

  • Thanks Nicola. I’m just anxious which isn’t like me at all

  • Hi  no my side effects weren’t unbearable. The worst thing was the pain when going to the toilet but that was limited to when I was actually going and for a short time after. I had expected it to be so much worse and I had also expected to be in pain 24/7 which I wasn’t. Ibuprofen I found was the best pain relief but I didn’t take that many. You have to be a bit careful with ibuprofen not to get constipated but treatment made me have diarrhoea so it was fine. I was given Oramorph and decided to try it, not due to pain but because I was struggling to sleep one night & thought it may help. It made me feel more awake, restless and very itchy so I didn’t take it again, could have been allergic to it, others tolerate it very well. I don’t consider myself to have a high pain threshold so I was very relieved as I had been so scared of the pain I thought I’d be in Bev x