Newly diagnosed AC

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  • 60 subscribers

I'm saying hello but I'd really rather not because doing so means that I have Cancer!  I'm meeting a team tomorrow to discuss my treatment plan and I'm absolutely terrified. All I think about is dying what is going to be done to me. I have nightmares about people rummaging through my clothes in charity shops. I was diagnosed only a few weeks ago so maybe this self pity and overwhelming sense of doom willsubside. I'm usually a very happy, bouncy sort that takes a pride in her appearance but at the moment I'm the total opposite... I only get dressed when I have a hospital appointment. I think I'd manage a lot better if I had something for the pain and I could forget about it for at least a while and go for a walk or at the very least put a smile on my miserable face. Have others on this site felt like me?

  • Hi ,

    Firstly welcome to the online community & our group although of course I’m sort that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    Rest assured most of us will have felt the way that you’re feeling right now, I know I certainly did when I was diagnosed! Nothing like a cancer diagnosis to bring you face on with your own mortality is there? Please don’t think you’re alone in reacting this way to the news you’ve received. These feelings started to subside & things began to settle for me once I knew a treatment plan was in place & I was also offered so much support & encouragement from those that were through the other side of treatment on here. If you click on my username you’ll be able to read a little about my journey there, I’m now a little over 2.5 years post treatment & doing well. 

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask we have lots of lovely people here at all different stages of their journeys & we all support each other as & when we need to. 

    Good luck with your appointment tomorrow.


  • Thank you so much. I already feel a little more positive having read the kind and inspiring messages from yourself and the other lovely ladies. I'll let you know how I get on once I get my head around things xx

  • Hi Mecca,Bless you,I know how you feel,its not a nice place to be and that first diagnosis is a lot to get your head around.Your mind will settle like Nikki65 has said,when treatment is planned etc.

    Like you, im usually up,dressed,make up on and out the door  .. I dont think the Covid situation helps with that and i tend to forget that we are not in normal times.Unable to see family and friends etc .. Im not working at the moment as no hairdressing allowed.Yes ive got my funeral all planned out and will get my girlfriends round for a party to give them my clothes!!

    try not to worry too much and i know easier said than done ... Good luck with your appointment :0)

    Sharon x

  • I wanted to just say hello - your post resonated with me although I don’t have cancer myself but I am supporting my ex- husband, who was diagnosed with cancer at the end of November. It was totally out of the blue and a lot to deal with. I found it very hard waiting for appts especially after he’d had a scan - and I heard the term Scanxiety for the first time! I remember being so relieved to just hear the words ‘treatment plan and that dates were in place for the chemo/radiotherapy to start.  The NHS staff have just been amazing and the Macmillan nurse and the navigator service have been very supportive. At the hospital he  has also found the Maggie Centre supportive - and they helped him with emotional support. There might be a similar centre at your hospital. Just to add the pain has also been managed and that really has made a difference in putting a smile back on his face and I hope it is not too long until you are smiling again. 

  • Hi Mecca,

                   Just to say I just started the 2nd week of treatment and I have felt crap up till now, but now I know where it's going and I find I can still eat, I don't feel half as bad as I did. I am hoping the same will happen to you.

    It is a huge shock when you are diagnosed.

    Sending love and strength,


  • love your reply . You are such an amazing bunch Linzey X x x