Hi everyone

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  • 58 subscribers

I have just been diagnosed with anal cancer and I'm devastated. I'm 60 and have grandkids which I want to see grow up. For over a year I just thought I had hemeroids which were just getting worse. I went to see the doctor a year ago as they'd got so bad. He didn't examine me and gave me some cream. Then came covid. I've tried over the months to get another appointment as it was getting worse but hemeroids aren't deemed emergency. I managed to get in just before Christmas, the doctor I saw was gobsmacked and referred me straight to hospital. I had colorectal exam 2 weeks ago where the doctor told me it was anal cancer. Its about 3 inches, and I can feel the swelling inside along with bleeding, pain and insatiable itching. My left buttock and hip is painful too. I have an MRI scan and CT scan tomorrow but I can't help kicking myself thinking I should have done it sooner, I should have known, I should have stood my ground, I might be too late. I can't sleep at night and my partner, who's so loving and supportive, must be sick of me busting out crying all the time. I just feel so lost and in a dark place. I look for a reason and only one I find on the net is its sexually transmitted. I've only ever been with my ex husband and my partner of 25 years. I did have historectomy at 29 because of a bad infection, then my left ovary removed 3 years later because of the same thing.

I'm sorry for waffling on like this but it's the first time I've been able to share my mind. I hope now I can move forward see what all this brings, and with support from people here and my loving beHeartutiful family, find strength to cope with what comes ....thankyou Heart

  • Hi ,

    I know we’ve spoken earlier but I’d like to officially welcome you to the line community although I’m sorry you’ve had the need to find us. 

    Your story unfortunately isn’t unusual in the fact that many instances of anal cancers are mistaken for haemorrhoids & are misdiagnosed for some time before further tests take place. Your symptoms are pretty typical of anal cancer & we’ve all suffered some of not all of what you’ve described. A fairly large portion of anal cancers are HPV related but the stigma that is attached to this being something only people that have had many sexual partners get is unfounded. Most sexually active people will have come into contact with HPV at some point regardless of the number of partners they’ve had & it seems the fact is some people’s immune systems deal with it & others don’t & it can lay dormant for many years before it causes an issue. As far as I know the only way to know for sure if it is HPV related is if you’re biopsied then the biopsy can be tested. Once you’ve had your scans & they’ve been reviewed at a MDT (multi-disciplinary meeting) you should be in a better position as to know what the next steps are, you should receive your staging & then a treatment plan should be put in place  by your team of Dr’s.

    Please if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask however personal they may seem, don’t worry we’ll have all asked them ourselves at some point. This is a safe, supportive, understanding place for you to offload whenever you feel like it & to ask for specific advice if needs be & although all of our stories are as individual as we are we’ve all been where you are now. 


  • Hi  I’m linzey I wax diagnosed with Anal cancer on the 6th of January. I’ve had all my scans and last week I had a biopsy and camera . I’m now waiting for my stoma to be fit then I can start treatment. I’m 40 years old happily married mother of 3 boys . My world absolutely fell apart in January. I was also misdiagnosed with thrombosed hemorrhoids ! My ‘lump’ is 10 cm ! If I can offer you any advice at all it would be to look forward .. look forward and speak to all these wonderful people on here . If you need to cry .. then cry . I’m now feeling a lot stronger and better then I did a few weeks ago . I’m managing to push any silly negative thought out my head and focus on what I need to do to get right again....but this was only possible with the amazing people on here . Please have faith in yourself .Hopefully you’ll not have a day as bad as when you were first diagnosed ! This is the worst bit now ... waiting .. wondering .. worrying . I’ve found it best only to investigate positive stories . And to get into the fresh air as much as possible to clear your head .  Sending you lots of love . Linzey X x x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Thankyou for all your help

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Linz17

    Thankyou and wishing you all the best luck in the world x

  • Hi   and welcome. I see you've had a couple of very helpful replies, you'll find lots of support on herewith people at different stages of treatment/recovery. As says the only way of knowing if the anal cancer is HPV related is to have it biopsied. Most anal cancers are HPV related, the same for cervical  cancers. There are over 100 strains of the HPV virus and some are cancer causing, the main ones being HPV 16 and 18.  I had pre-cancerous cells on my cervix about 30 years ago caused by HPV.  The virus lay dormant until it caused my anal cancer in 2019 (HPV 16 was the culprit).  Virtually everyone who has ever had sex has had exposure to HPV, it's just that some people's immune systems don't shake off the virus like other peoples do.  It's such a shame that there's a stigma attached to HPV related cancers, although I do think to some degree that this may change as the incidence of HPV related cancers is rising so it is becoming more commonplace.   Please don't despair of your situation, the treatment is usually very effective.  Once you have your scan results and a treatment plan is put in place you will feel more in control of things.  We are all here for you so ask away with any questions or concerns you may have. Bev 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Thankyou so much 

  • Hello Dawnbram

    im just coming out of the other side. I had my treatment before Christmas finishing on 23/12. So fully recognise your anxieties. Easy to say, try to keep positive. The actual treatment is not painful, some of the effects will be and have to be managed. The advice, guidance and support on this site is second to none. Forget stigmas it’s irrelevant and unhelpful. I was like you shocked to read about those. I wish you all the best and here to answer any questions I can, having just gone through it. My tumour was 7 cms now about 2 apparently and radiation still zapping inside hopefullyFingers crossedFingers crossed I am struggling a wee bit with the waiting game to see if it all goes but have put into place some positive actions. 
    Do feel free to ask any questions.... where are you based? I’m in Guildford 

    Ruth x

  • Hi Ruth,

    I know you've heard this before, but you are just over one month out from treatment and are still getting zapped on the inside (thankfully without the sore skin). From 7cm down to 2cm is a vast improvement and based on what docs say, you still have 4.5 months for the radiation to work its magic. I finished my treatment on January 4th, and I have no follow-up until three months out, on April 7th. That day I'm lined up for labs, a PET scan, and a visit with my medical and radiation oncologist. I have the jitters, too!

    I'm still sore when I go to the bathroom, and many days I contemplate the what-ifs, but I know this isn't helpful. We've been on a harrowing journey, and it will take time to feel whole both physically and emotionally.

    With that said, Dawnbram, you can do this! I know your feelings all too well--it's terrifying! Having a plan will help. Right now you are floating in a sea of unknowns, but the doctors will fight this with you! Please keep us updated; sending you all the best this week.


  • Thank you Sarah. You’re absolutely right and I’m back on positive thoughts track, both you and Steve have really helped. I’m also signed up for the Walk All Over Cancer challenge in March so now focWinksing on getting fitter for that so I can walk 10,000 steps a day! Hope you soreness reduces soon. If it wasn’t for having to go to the loo I’d feel quite normal WinkWink

    Take care and thank you for your support. 
    Ruth x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Bottom56

    Awww good luck and thankyou