Fodmap Diet

  • 5 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

Firstly a huge thank you to Jaycee for all the advice on starting the Fodmap diet.

I was 4 weeks post treatment, still extremely sore and experiencing terrible diarrhoea. I was getting very frustrated and depressed by my lack of recovery. I started the Fodmap diet and within 2 days my symptoms had disappered. Two weeks on and my butt has healed, my bowel movements are normal every morning.

It is a very restricting diet but with the range of gluten free and milk free products available in the supermarkets now it’s not really a problem.

I just wanted to say that if you have unpleasant bowel issues post treatment it really does work.


  • Hi Jane, so pleased to read your positive results from the fodmap diet. It’s been a game changer for me too and you can often add restricted foods back in again after testing. I wish more people would give it a go because as we know, it really does work!


  • I switched to the fodmap protocol after treatment ended and it's been a total game changer.  I have a kiwi fruit after my evening meal and I that's also really helped me to move my BMs to a before 11 am slot and keeping them soft but formed. 

    I also feel that my body is benefiting from eating clean and lots of lovely sources of protein.  

    Total game changer!! Another advocate here! 

  • Just had to say I love your profile name  (hope it's OK to say that) 

  • I should probably change it now  lol to NotSuchABasdass - finished treatment on 17 January and I'm thrilled/surprised with how well I'm doing...  Although obviously there is the wait to know if I'm one of the lucky 90% club! 


  • Hi Jet1414,

    Thats such a positive post and fantastic that it’s had such a beneficial impact in such a short time.

    There has been a lot of info on the forum about the Fodmap diet and I have held off until now but in view of all the positive outcomes I’m going to try it. You have inspired me.

     I finished treatment mid November but bowels haven’t settled and are still unpredictable which has been really challenging in relation to returning to work.

    Im so glad that you have had such a big improvement and I hope your healing journey continues xx