John Wayne approaches:

  • 11 replies
  • 46 subscribers
For anyone out there who remembers John Wayne films you will recall he had a particular way of walking. Long term horse riding would make ranchers waddle like a duck.
No horse riding here but I distinctly feel the need to begin to waddle.
I feel like I am pooing sulphuric acid. Cleaning myself is like rubbing sandpaper around my anus and around the inside of my cheeks.
This is the most pain I have ever felt around my bum. I know it will heal but I am now dreading the final week of treatment. 
  • It will pass, concentrate on the fact it is your final treatment and avoid using sandpaper as toilet roll

  • Hi LCraig, yes it can be pretty awful for some around that time. As well as the sitz bath my husband fitted a very long shower hose purchased from Amazon onto our shower with a bidet spray gun. This enabled me to sit on the loo after using it and gently spray instead of wiping and it was a godsend. Luckily we have a waterfall shower and the usual shower sprayer also which we used and it was a very simple case of changing it or use one of those bidet bottles you squeeze. I also used water wipes. It does get easier, I promise 


  • LCraig

    I ready somewhere that the poos (and mucus) become like acid drops which pretty much ties in with your description.  Going really does take your breath away.  Have you tried pooing into your Sitzbath - fill it with luke-warm water?  It is easily emptied and disinfected and somehow, going under water is slightly less painful.

    You are definitely approaching the sharp end of treatment when pain and side effects peak, so make sure you keep your tell your treating team.  They are well aware of how painful the treatment is and can help with paid medication.

    Thinking of you and sending a gentle healing hug

    Irene xx

  • Hi 

    I'm now on day 23 and feeling exactly the same.

    My sitz bath is a godsend so use it before during of afterwards..whatever gives you the most relief..

    I have also started to use instillagel just before I have a BM to help ease the pain a little..

    I hope you can manage your pain a little..and remember your on the home stretch now and it will get better..

    Sending big hugs 


  • Sorry you are going through this and hope you feel better soon. Sending gentle healing thoughts your way!

  • Hi Yes I remember that stance oh so well! I managed by using water wipes instead of loo paper (you can find them with the baby wipes in the supermarket), if that’s still really uncomfortable then I’d wash instead of wiping (another use for the sitz bath). Don’t forget to tell your treating team if your pain relief isn’t cutting it.


  • Thanks for the advice. What I know is that in the scheme of things I am very lucky. What I am experiencing could be a whole lot worse and soon enough this will be a distant memory.

  • Bless you! I really do feel for you Hugging 

    I’m watching Yellowstone at the moment and although I haven’t started my treatment yet, I do keep watching the cowboys and thinking that I’ll be walking like them very soon Face palm tone2‍. I know you are in a lot of pain right now but it sounds like you are doing amazingly well and most importantly, the cancer hasn’t taken away your sense of humour as your messages on this forum do make me smile.. sorry Grimacing

  • Hi LCraig

    I remember that walk and the razor blades poos dipped in acid. You are nearly done and I know it doesn't feel like it at the moment but you will get through it and in the not to distant future you will have a pain free poo. Hang on in there. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Hi LCraig,

    Yes, certainly remember doing the John Wayne walk at your stage of treatment! Yet another indignity to endure and can feel like you need to wear a Stetson.

    You are almost there and the end is in sight. The others have given great practical advice as ever and do make sure that you have the right pain relief as you really need it at this stage to get through the remaining days.  

    Wishing you well for the final days.x