Loose stools

  • 2 replies
  • 40 subscribers


my partner is suffering with extreme loose stools and has been prescribed loperamide and Imodium with very little effect. Is there anything at home he can be taking and what things are best to be avoiding



  • Hi  ,

    I’m really sorry that your partner is suffering this way! I would continue with the loperamide/Imodium & take as he’s been prescribed, if this isn’t having the desired effect then he should possibly speak with his treating team to see if he can up the dosage at all but be aware that he really doesn’t want to become constipated as that can be sooo painful (take it from one that knows!!). Diet can help a little, I was told if I got any diarrhoea to go on a ‘white’ diet, white bread, white potatoes, white rice & so on, as bland as possible. Also if he’s taking loperamide make sure he has some stool softeners on hand as things can quickly swing the other way, it can be a real juggling act unfortunately. The radiotherapy can cause the bowel/colon to become pretty irritated hence the loose stools. I hope things settle down for him very soon.


  • Hello Sazzle88

    I am sorry that your partner is suffering - I don't know what stage of treatment he is at but I also had very loose stools and I am not sure if it was the radiotherapy or chemotherapy that caused it.  Very little helped and I took to wearing Tena pants in case I had an accident - I never did but felt a bit more secure.  Thankfully at the end of treatment the loose stools stopped but as Nicola has pointed out constipation is to be avoided as I found out to my cost!

    If there is anything we can help with at all, please call out - and welcome to the forum too, on his behalf.

    Irene xx