Week Two Reflections

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  • 40 subscribers


So it's end of week two of treatment for me and on the whole, I'd say it was much better than week one. 

  • Bowel Movements (BM) are my biggest challenge.  The nausea in week one passed and I started embracing my appetite and I think consequently I've suffered for it.  No accidents as yet, but theres the urgency and frequency to battle with - I'm really appreciating the "wet wipes" and I've started using the sitz bath to help ease the discomfort. I have made the decision to go to a more bland diet, potato, bread, chicken and rice - although Christmas Day, I'll live it up a little.  I'll share next week if changing my diet helps with my BMs.
  • Meds.... I didn't take the anti-nausea tablets one morning - big mistake, the car ride to radiotherapy felt awful. Luckily, I've got my bag of supplies so as soon as we arrived I took one and in 20 minutes I felt fine.  I've now got paracetamol by the side of my bed - I've had a few nights where I've woken up in a little bit of pain - in last few days, it feels like period pain.  I did try a stool softener but not sure if I should have increased the dosage to maximise the benefit - I've got a check-in with the team tomorrow.  I think their intention was to help me go to the loo less - which would be a blessing. And just incase it's of interest to anyone, I take my chemo at 8 am and 8 pm - I drink them down with cold chocolate oat milk.  
  • Tiredness - I've just been taking it very easy - a nap every day and not going to bed any later than 10pm.  It's definitely not as bad as the first week but yesterday was a treatment free day and I was able to appreciate how the chemo and radiotherapy are having an impact on my energy levels.
  • Mentally - I felt much stronger this week - I had only one outburst of tears and that was yesterday when I was worrying about my 9.15 radiotherapy appointment this morning - which actually went okay.  I stopped writing my journal as honestly week one was such a pity-party - understandably!  I am keeping a countdown on my fridge - and after I've taken my evening chemo - I rip, tear-up that day - 17 treatment days to go!! 

What else to report, ohh my hubby got me some cheap cotton PJs from TK Maxx - he's going to buy me a second lot!  I've been moisturising with coconut oil twice a day - always after my treatment and I've been enjoying a luke warm bath daily too.

I'm surprised at how well and quickly week two has gone by and that with a few paracetamol here and there I'm still relatively comfortable - more than I expected to be.  

Very much looking forward to Christmas and Boxing Days being treatment free!

With love and light to you all. 



  • Hello Ali

    I am so pleased to hear that your second week went better than your first, and please don't beat yourself up, we have all gone through pity-party periods - I still do nearly three years down the line!

    I am not sure if it was the chemo or the radiotherapy which gave me extremely loose stools but I took to wearing Tena pants for the last few weeks, in the event I didn't need them but it was one less stress to deal with.  But be aware that when you stop treatment and if you are on opioid drugs for side effects they cause constipation - I may have told you before, (I tell everyone on here), you will need stool softeners alongside them.  Memories of trying to go to the loo with an extremely sore back passage for days culminating in my daughter giving me an enema on the bathroom floor are still crystal clear!

    Very soon you will be at the half-way mark and it is such a milestone - the days pass even quicker then.

    You keep on going, and thank you for such a detailed informative report for the others who follow you.

    Love and light to you too.

    Irene xxx

  • Hi  ,

    I’m pleased to hear your second week of treatment went well & I know I'm repeating myself here but even though there’s some common threads running through regarding side effects our treatment journeys are very individual ones. What works for one may not work for another but by sharing our tricks & tips here it enlightens others to something that may help them so thank you for documenting your experience so far. 

    I really hope you were able to enjoy your Christmas Day & Boxing Day especially being treatment free & that it’s allowed you to get ready to March forward to the halfway point! 

    May the new year be a very happy & healthy one for you. 
