Hip pain- advice please!

  • 6 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hello everybody,

I am now 6 weeks post treatment, and have developed pain and stiffness in both hips that I’m told is due to the radiotherapy.

Is there anything I can do or take to make things better? I never had hip pain before.

many thanks,


  • Hello Franco

    I am two and a half years post treatment and still have hip pain and 'heavy' legs.  I saw a physio who gave me exercises but when I didn't notice any difference after six months I stopped.  However I was told on here that physio should go on for longer that that to see a real difference.  I have been referred for a DEXA scan, but what always helps on a day-to-day basis is exercise.  I always take a couple of paracetamol before I go out with my dog and do two and a half to three miles daily - not up to the six -seven I used to do but enough to keep me healthy and her happy!

    My GP referred me for physio, not my treating hospital, it might be worth checking whilst you are still under them if they can refer you.

    Best of luck

    Irene x

  • Thank you Irene.

    I do notice the pain and stiffness lessens with movement, and it is worse on waking. Wondering if you had a hip xray?

    Will see about the possibility of physio and also erstart some gentle yoga!


  • I have and it shows some deterioration commensurate with age (I am 73) but I have been told a DEXA scan will show a lot more.  I think you are a lot younger than me but BC I took pride (foolish me!) on being really fit and active and I remember asking my GP if I was wearing my joints out as I power-walked so much - he reassured me that I definitely wasn't.  So mine, too, is definitely radiotherapy related.

    My daughter does yoga and is friendly with the instructor and has filled her in on my background so I am going to try a class with her.

    Let me know how you get on.

    Irene x

  • Hi Franco

    I too have hip paint and stiffness that only started after treatment.  I couldn't sit for very long on hard seats for months after and although that has lessened I still feel it. Am 17 months post treatment now and still get aching hips.  I also had a bout of sciatica earlier this year.  If it continues after 6 months some hospitals can refer you to a 'late effects' clinic and you see a physio.who can give you appropriate exercises to do.  Pilates has been recommended by them too. Radiotherapy sometimes results in pelvic radiation disease which you might want to check out online. 

    I wish you well. x  

  • Thanks Irene.

    I had an x-ray of hips last year which was normal, and have never had pain or stiffness there before so am pretty sure it’s due to the radiation.

    I will follow your advice and stay active- weight-bearing exercise is good for bones. I’m really hoping it will improve over time.

  • Hi Cranford

    I am heartened to know that your hip pain has lessened over time. I hope mine will too. 
    Do you think the sciatic was related? 

    I have MS which limits the exercise I can do, but I can do daily yoga at home .

    Thank you for the info regarding pelvic radiation disease which I’ll check out.

    All the best
