So sore!!

  • 5 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi just a quick question. Years ago when I was stupid enough to get sunburnt I used to slather myself in natural yoghurt and it worked. I’m just about to start week 5 my last on radiotherapy and chemo and my creams no longer seem to work so at 5am this morning I started wondering! What do you think?

  • It seems logical, and sounds very soothing but I would check with radiotherapists. It might be unwise if you have broken skin, and it's a sensitive and delicate area at the best of times. (Although I do remember we used to be advised to put natural yogurt on a tampon for thrush)

    Maybe it's the coolness that was soothing, so you might want to keep your creams in the fridge.Grin

  • Have the nurses given you FLAMINAL FORTE? I was so sore week 4&5 and this cream is the only one that soothed.

  • No they haven’t I have flamigel and they give me medi honey which has been brilliant up till now

  • If the sore areas are becoming raw ( as mine were) Flaminal Forte will heal those areas . Flamigel is more for unbroken skin. Ask for it - a fellow patient recommended it!!!

  • I agree with  - I had severe burns and Flaminal Forte helped along with Polymem dressings (if your sore bits are really bad).  But if you aren't too bad then I can't see that giving yoghurt a shot would hurt - I must admit I hadn't heard of that! xx