Apologies for long absence/update

  • 8 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi everyone Hugging

I must apologise for the length of time it has taken me to come back on this wonderfully supportive forum.

I really hope that everyone is doing well and getting the crucial and selfless support that they require

I continue to move on from treatment for anal/rectal cancer and find that my bottom has now returned to a far more comfortable state. 

It's the discomfort elsewhere that I am finding unpleasant 

My tummy area and more my right hand side is uncomfortable I would say most of the time. I have been to my doctor who has said it is around my right floating rib he can't find anything alarming which is good but I am going for an ultrasound today just to give me peace of mind. 

Also my lower back is painful at times and stiff but my nurses attribute that to the radiotherapy which is understandable. I keep reminding myself that I should be more grateful for discomfort than the tumour!

I am still on the hunt for partime work but there is little about here in Mid Wales!! 

Everyone take care of yourselves and lots of love Heart️ 

PaddyBud xx 

  • Hello Paddybud

    A very warm hello, and please don't apologise for not checking in - I always feel hopeful that people are getting on with their lives after going through treatment and don't have the same need of us.

    And I am glad to hear that your recovery continues, but sorry to hear that you haven't had any joy in your job-hunting.  I know certain parts of Wales have a dearth of employment.

    Please let us know how you get on with your ultrasound - I had to Google 'floating rib' as I had never heard of it and was amazed that a host of ailments (not serious) came up and all of those listed rib pain.

    Best of luck with your health and job-hunt

    Irene xx

  • So happy to see you post, PaddyBud!

    I'm not sure we'll ever get past wondering if the latest pain or bout of fatigue is cancer/treatment related. I'm pretty sure a lot of my various complaints are a result of the chemo/radiation, but I'm still grateful to them.

    I hope you're able to find some PT work, or something you can do online. I haven't yet made it to wild, beautiful Wales but I long to. 



  • Hi  ,

    It’s great to hear from you but please don’t feel the need to apologise, like Irene I just assume people are getting on with life after dealing with diagnosis, treatment & recovery. 

    I sympathise with the lower back pain, I suffer from this also since my treatment, I’ve also got bilateral sciatica, I’ve had intensive physiotherapy for this & what the physio suspects is something called Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome which he thinks is the cause of my hip pain. The easiest way I can explain my back pain is it’s like all of my lower back is compacted down, the physio program I have includes exercises to stretch this out along with releasing my sciatic nerve & they really do help. 

    I hope your ultrasound went well & that your job search is fruitful soon. 


  • Dear Irene75359

    Your so kind thank you for your reply.

    A gloomy day here but grateful for each one.

    I hope that life with you is going along nicely and that you have enjoyed some wonderful days out and about

    They were so quick with the ultrasound as I only saw the doctor last week! 

    The man doing it was so kind a little hard with the wand but thoroughly checked me over and found nothing. What a relief. Get official results tomorrow. 

    Take good care 

    PaddyBud xx

  • Hey there ridetbred

    I hope that things with you are good?

    Enjoyed a folk music festival with my Dad and some friends the other week. 

    Keeping on top of the discomfort is not easy but as you say if it's as a result of the treatment then I too and so immensely grateful

    Result of ultrasound was all fine

    It is indeed a beautiful country

    Take care

    PaddyBud x

  • Hi Nikki65

    Thank you very much for your reply. 

    Life in many ways is so much better than this time last year

    The wonderful team in Aberystwyth and Sawnsea have been superb. I am so very grateful

    I still am prone to anxiety but have far more upbeat days. 

    Gosh you have certainly been through it but it's great you are still getting the support you need and deserve!

    I am sure you have enjoyed wonderdul days with your friends and family. 

    Your description of the back issue resonates

    All OK with the ultrasound

    Take great care


  • I am so pleased to hear it!


  • Hi again  ,

    That’s great to hear all’s good with the ultrasound. 
