Pooping frequency

  • 5 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Hi all

Just a question for those that have finished treatment a while ago. Do you notice that are pooping frequency has changed as time has gone one?

Before treatment (4 years ago) I only ever went every 2 or 3 days. Since treatment its every morning first thing urgently without fail and then often again in the day. It seems to be getting more and more often and I wondered if it's a muscle issue. I wee a lot more too and they've said that's is the radiotherapy having weakened the bladder, so do you think it's the same type of thing?

Hope no one minds me asking!!

Deb x 

  • Hello Deb

    Anything goes on this forum!

    I am only 14 months out of treatment but my bowel habits have definitely changed.  I always went frequently for years long before diagnosis, sometimes 2-3 times a day.  It is the same since treatment but like you accompanied by real urgency first thing, especially since I take stool softeners to avoid constipation and straining.  I wee more too, so I think the urgency and the frequent weeing are definitely treatment related.  But if your bowel habits have changed drastically it would be worth mentioning at your next check-up, there may be pelvic floor exercises than could help.  I know late side effects do happen and this could be what you are experiencing.

    Best of luck in getting an answer on this.

    Irene xx

  • Hi Deb, I am now 

    Lady Tourelle

  • Hello Deb of course we don’t mind you asking as that’s what we are here for to support each other. I’m nearly two years post treatment and remember the early days well with frequent bowel movements during the day and around a year post treatment I started taking blackstrap molasses to help bulk and soften stools I now only take when I think I need it now. I too need to go first thing in the morning around 6am is the norm for me and when I feel the urge I try and hold the sphincter muscles tight within safe distance from the toilet to help strengthen the muscles so that when I need control I can hopefully hold for at least a few minutes longer. I sometimes need to go again about  an hour later. I think it’s diet related as the second time always seems a lot looser than the first. I am then usually good to go for the rest of the day and occasionally have to go around tea time. Before treatment I only went once a day. I can usually hold my bladder but do seem to get up in the night once or maybe twice to pass water. That’s my experience but have been told my sphincter muscle has been slightly compromised but the oncologist said it may improve with pelvic floor exercises. I have read somewhere that the internal muscles cannot recover but hey we live in hope.

  • Hi Deb, I am now 5 years post treatment. I have my last consultation in August (I hope) My poops are all over the place! ( not literally!) I was having to go, urgently, after breakfast each day. Recently I have to go - urgently, during the day & into the evening. I do have the occasional accident, very unpleasant. I’m guessing our muscles have been damaged from the radiotherapy. I have been to the late effects clinic, they prescribe a low dose of Imodium each day. Sometimes I am constipated, sometimes I have to run. I do know that chemotherapy can affect you in many ways, many years after treatment. Best wishes, Pam 

    Lady Tourelle

  • Hi  ,

    I’m almost 5 years post treatment, since everything settled down after my treatment I tend to ‘go’ as soon as I’m up & about in the morning (this seems to be quite common), generally that’s it for the day but I do have odd days where I’ll have the need again in the afternoon/evening, I get urgency but have found over time I can hold off for a while if needs be, I have wondered if this is because I no longer have to use stool softeners. 

    If you have a check-up pending I would mention it to see if they can advise, if not contact your GP, the nurse that took care of my recent smear test gave me a number for the bowel & bladder service (I didn’t even know there was such a thing!) it’s also geared towards self-referral, so ask your GP if your local health authority has this service, pelvic physiotherapy may even be part of this service that may improve things somewhat. 
