Partial Metabolic Response

  • 6 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi Everyone I received results from my 3 month Pet CT and MRI on 01/09/22. My initial diagnosis was SCC T2 N2 M0. The Pet Scan showed a full metabolic response to nodes and no further spread thank goodness! However I was wondering if anyone has received a partial metabolic response to the tumour at the three month stage? I am told the treatment can still work for another 3 months! I was assured that all was heading in the right direction so am very hopeful but deep down I was hoping for the NED that everyone talks of! x

  • They decided not to give me any scans until 6 months because of the prevalence of partial responses. My gastro sensibly said, 'Why panic everyone when the results aren't conclusive until all the chemo and rads are out of your body?'

    But I won't get a PET scan, cuz my jerk insurance won't pay for it. So I'll be biting my nails even if I get a clean CAT.

  • Thanks for your reply ridetbred. That sounds sensible waiting the 6 months. Although waiting 3 was tough mentally.  I maybe got the Pet Ct because of the node involvement. Take care and sending positive thoughts. x

  • Hi ,

    Firstly welcome to our little corner of the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry that you’ve had the need to find us.

    That’s a great result from your PET scan. In my time on this forum I’ve heard from a few members that have had a partial response at this 3 month mark & have gone on to have a complete response to treatment by 6 months. I was told at my last radiotherapy session the information that everyone is given about things getting worse before it gets better & the radiation continuing to build in your body for up to 2 weeks etc,, but I was also told that the radiotherapy continues doing its thing over a period of months once that last session is over. The wait for scans, results etc., & that ‘next’ appointment or set of results is excruciating at times & can really take its toll on your mental health so try & make sure you keep yourself as occupied as possible in the meantime, I understand this doesn’t stop the anxiety you feel but it may help the time pass a little quicker. Hopefully if any of the members that have experienced a similar situation are still active on the forum you’ll get a first hand response to your post. 

    I’ve got everything crossed for you that your next set of results bring you the news you’re waiting for. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. 


  • Thank you Nikki65 that is very reassuring.. Take care. x

  • Me!  Mine was described as a 'partial response' too. x