Radiotherapy 'cage'

  • 18 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi - I was diagnosed yesterday and told I'd have some scans and have an appointment with the oncologist. I was also told I'd be having radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Will I have to have a cage on my face? Is it claustrophobic? At the moment I'm going from disbelief to resignation. TIA.

  • Hi Puddy,

    I am not medically qualified at all, but if you have been diagnosed with anal cancer, I cannot see why, or heard of anyone having a cage on the face. I believe people with facial or neck tumours may wear some device on their face during their radiotherapy treatment, but I just lay on the bed and the machine moved around me. I had to remove lower clothes but that was all.

    Even if you do have a tumour that requires you to wear something on your face, I am certain the staff who work with you will help you at every stage. Lots of people are claustrophobic so I am sure they have worked something out to help with this. I found they were always checking and asking how I was and the least thing I mentioned, they were on it. 

    I am sure someone else here will give more information. It is a really shock to receive this diagnosis, but the treatment of chemo and radiotherapy for anal cancer given together is very effective and quite short, usually 5-6 weeks.

    Good luck.

  • Thank you so much. xx

  • Hi  as  has said i cannot see why you would need a mask for pelvic radiotherapy. Sometimes a mask is required for people undergoing radiotherapy for the head area to protect the parts of the head that aren’t being radiated. The pelvic radiotherapy you will receive generally only takes up to 10 minutes -you lie on down whilst a machine rotates around you. You are not enclosed in the machine. I used to wear a dress so I would just put a gown over it to cut down on dressing/undressing time. The radiotherapy staff are very helpful and will talk you through any concerns you may have. Bev. 

  • I have another question, please. I had a phone call and I've got my MRI on Saturday. Do they give you a result there and then?

  • Hi Puddy 

    Sorry to hear of your diagnosis & welcome to the group. As the others have already said it’s most unlikely to have any kind of restriction over the face and the radiation machine is  completely open. 

    I am sure you’re very overwhelmed at the moment and trying to take it all in but the once you have and know what ms ahead do check back in for some support.  The good thing about this rotten diagnosis is although the treatment is intense  it’s only  5-6wks and the success rate is extremely good.   take care and sending lots of positive thoughts and love xx

  • Hi again Puddy,

    No, as far as I am aware you have to wait for results. Hopefully not too long.

  • Hi again - more questions. I've read on here that treatment can leave you extremely fatigued. I live on my own. Will I be okay to take the dog for a walk, prepare meals etc.?Should I try to arrange some help? TIA.

  • Hi Puddy. 

    Everyone reacts differently, but The treatment is intense and it will take it's toll on you and indeed does make you tired, so I would certainly try to arrange some support.  

    Friends and family will want to help and as much as you will want to be brave and try to deal with it on your own, please don't be a hero, take the help.    

    Just take each day as it comes xx