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  • 40 subscribers

Hello everyone. I haven't been on this site for quite a few years. My husband has recently been diagnosed with advanced Prostrate cancer so needed some info and decided to have little peak on this site or Bumlanders we were called to see if I recognised any names and I did !! 

This March I will be 8 years cancer free ,I hope. This site was an absolute godsend when I was 1st diagnosed. Scared  confused, didn't know what to expect but as soon as I got my times of treatment etc I just got on with it and after 5.5 weeks,job done. Don't get me wrong it wasn't all plain sailing, I was cut so bad, chemo made me weak but after time it fades.i still cannot bare hearing the word cancer but I'm still here and ok as far as I know. 

Stay strong and you will get through this. Time is a healer ,I believe that now.you are all amazing ,remember that and I'm proud of you all. I hope this has helped in some way that there is life after anal cancer.

Take care, Carla x

  • Hi Carla

    Sorry to hear about your husband, but thank you so much for popping on to say hello. It means so much to hear of people doing well so many years on, really does help to hear such positive stories! 

    Deb x 

  • Thankyou.so much x

    Take care Carla xxx

  • Hi Carla what lovely news and it make us feel there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am only 8 months post treatment so very early days. I try to stay positive and look ahead but some days the feelings come back like a great big wallop that it might come back. I have to say to myself I just have to take it one step at a time. I am pretty much back to normal but still have a couple of issues with diet as I am trying to find the foods that are triggering bowel regularities. I have found at least two and that is citrus fruits and chocolate. I have hip pain sometimes and thought about swimming but worry I my want to go to the loo urgently. I am back to walking but not ready for ramblers as it’s all down to toilet issues. But all in all life is good. Sorry to hear about your husband after what you have been through it just doesn’t seem fair this rotten cancer just stinks. One side of things you are so grateful to be here and another side of things is battling the negative thoughts that sneak in when you least expect it. Again thank you for spreading some positivity x

  • Morning.  It has taken a good few years to accept I'm OK. My hips and legs still pain but they say it was due to the treatment, I beg to differ. The scanxiety used to be awful too then after the 5 years you're left on your own,it really does take a while to accept, especially when you can't see whats going on inside !! I swim most days and it makes me feel good !

    Take care Carla xxx

  • Hi ,

    Firstly I’m really sorry to hear of your husband’s diagnosis. Secondly thank you so much for popping by to offer some words of encouragement & a lot of hope to everyone here. We have several members that are just about to start treatment or newly diagnosed & I'm sure your post will mean so much. I’m so pleased you’re doing well. Sending lots of healing thoughts your husbands way. 
