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I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy in August 21 and advised 4 days later via the telephone they found squamous anal cell cancer. Beginning of September I had CT and MRI scans and end of September the MDT wanted an EUA and further biopsies as the team thought it was more likely an AIN3 or  circoma in situ. I have seen an oncologist and surgeon, who have examined me and advised it’s an established tumour. I have asked several times if there’s a chance it is precancerous and everyone has said no. On 11 November 21 I had the EUA and biopies, I called the team for an update today after their weekly MDT. I was advised it is positioned in the 4-8 position of the anal canal and the pathologist has asked for further biopsies as it had come back as an AIN3. This means I have to do the EUA and biopsies again. I asked what is the procedure if it shows AIN3 again, they said they didn’t know and it would be discussed at the MDT after this next lot of biopsies. I asked if it was pre cancerous and they said they don’t know. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this? Thanks TNinja

  • In addition after the biopies the surgeon did say it was too big to surgically remove and in an awkward position too.

  • Hi  the uncertainty of your diagnosis must be worrying for you. Unfortunately with AIN3, the patient can be subjected to repeat biopsies as a close eye needs to be kept on the situation. This hasn’t happened to me but I did meet a woman in the hospital when I went in for an examination under anaesthetic (EUA) last year. We were waiting together and got talking and she had AIN 2 or 3, I can’t remember which  and was having regular checks and was on her second lot of biopsies.  If surgery isn’t an option then I’m unsure what treatment would be available. Possibly a watch and wait policy, this sounds a complicated situation but at least you’re being monitored very closely.  Please let us know how you get on. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. Bev. 

  • Hi there ,

    Your head must be all over the place with so much conflicting information surrounding your diagnosis! I’m sure you just want a firm decision to be made & some kind of treatment to get underway. Having said this it is good that your team are being thorough though regarding getting an exact diagnosis before plunging you into treatment. Obviously as I’m sure you already know the treatments for AIN3 & anal cancer differ somewhat although with high grade AIN3 I think sometimes the decision is taken to treat as anal cancer as it’s highly likely that this will develop further rather than like lower grade AIN which can be more stable. I hope your next EUA provides some firm, clear answers for you. Please keep us updated on how you get on & like Bev I’m sorry I couldn’t be if more help. 


  • Just a quick update, I had my second EUA and biopsies which have come back confirmed as anal squamous Cell carcinoma no longer AIN3, so I’m seeing the oncologist on Friday.

  • Hi  I’m so sorry to hear your news. It’s a good thing you will be able to discuss this in a couple of days with your Oncologist. Your case will be discussed at a Multi Disciplinary Team meeting (MDT) and then potential treatment plans outlined to you. The staging of the cancer is also determined at the MDT ( this depends on size and location). The most common treatment for anal cancer is a 28 day treatment of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Surgery can also be an option in some situations ( although I see your Oncologist has already discussed this with you). If you’re able to take anyone with you on Friday please do so as there will be a lot to take in and it’s easy to forget things. I used to take a notebook with me. Please let us know how you get on this Friday. Bev. 

  • Hi ,

    I’m sorry that you’ve received this news. You have a firm diagnosis now though & a treatment plan can be discussed & put into place. It can be daunting facing treatment but we’re here for support whenever you need it. Please let us know how your meeting with your oncologist goes on Friday. 


  • Thanks Bev, will do and my husband is coming with me thankfully Blush

  • Hi Takamine, I’ve today 10/01/2022 been diagnosed with the same, getting a CT/PET whole body 19/01/2022 then passed to an oncologist for my treatment plan. 

    How are are you doing. 

    Louise xxx